About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

SUNDAY #3881

One Of My Very Own


Remember when we were promised that the government would address the problem this way?
That's what huge campaign contributions get you.



My wife has an unusual hobby...


'Airgun Ria' (99) has her picture taken at the yearly fair shooting game since 1936.
This is 2019, Tilburg, The Netherlands
 99-year-old Ria has been shooting her picture at the shooting gallery since she was 16. Although recovering from pneumonia she took a cab to the fair again.
Ria didn't pay much attention to the media. "You must leave now, I have got more things to do."
 There were dozens and dozens such images.

[verification needed]

"...horse got upset and insisted..."
I would have liked to have seen that.


I support vandalism for social justice.

It’s better to have loved and lost than to have to do the laundry by Markus Georg
I once pitched an idea to recreate Stonehenge using discarded refrigerators and such. The client said, "I don't get it."

It was stated that this man started stripping to pay for his Home Depot addiction.



The human body is incredible. Right now, if I so desired, I could do 15 percent of a backflip and wreck my shit right here on the sidewalk.



This door pivots on 2 sets of rails.


When your boss refuses to get you a standing desk.


Why would I take it to the shop when I can fix it myself?

Did you notice he reversed the polarity to lower it?


Might be a dumb question, but assuming that is necessary because you lost your reverse gear, how do you get it off when you want to go forward again?

Some military dogs have titanium teeth, each costing between $600-$2000. It can rip both metal and kevlar apart.

Before someone goes all PETA on this, these are usually replacements after an original tooth was chipped during training/duty. 


The traditional way of making soap in the Middle East.
I found this very interesting. https://i.imgur.com/0Tt3gds.mp4

I don't understand the hammering.

 This guy builds models like I've never seen before.
Oh, it's far more sophisticated than a mere model.
I'm thinking it's a teaching aid of some sort. 

How they eat corn in Kansas.

Not all creative problem solving is as successful as others.

Him: So tell me something about yourself.
Me: If you spell it backward it's flesruoy.
Him: What?

Me: If you add the letter p to it you can spell profusely.



Try and eat a live octopus and you might regret it.
But what did she expect it to do? 

I'm thinking the designer knew exactly what he was doing.

 He, of course, was thinking of this...

Tangkuban Perahu Mountain in Indonesia.
Did you notice that some people are going UP the hill?

Escalator failure in Turkey.
The man survived with only a few minors injuries. It took 1 hour to find him. Or so I've been told.

Ironically, he was cremated. So he ended up smoking again. 
[verification needed]


When ladies meet the guy in person who was so nice online.


The tough guy immediately regrets his decision.
That's one stupid sumbitch.

 me: want the stick
dog: not really
me: fetch the stick
dog: why would I do that
me: fetch it, boy
dog: that seems pointless
me: [throws stick]

dog: oh cool now neither of us has a stick



 Here's where to order that T-shirt:
I would have added that woman was NOT created from a man's rib.


Am I alone in thinking we are collectively getting dumber?

For those confused, South Virginia and Virginia are switched.

According to Snopes, the original story was fabricated.


We have millions of Americans who think a man and a woman was created in a magic garden and these two people somehow produced the entire human race...6000 years ago. Yet most of these same people do not insist on these events being taught in science classes.
What's up with that?

When I watched that in awe it occurred to me that I have never seen a pregnant horse before.

"Wait until my brother hears about this."
Someone left this tidbit in the comments: Is the 2nd lion a lioness? 


On a cool note, the study that discovered this shark was carbon-dating crystals in their eyes. This shark is in the range of 272-512 years.
[verification needed]

Penguin balloon swimming in the air.


Don’t put up a tire swing unless you hunted and killed that car yourself. Show some respect.




Oh hell no! Not anymore. I worked hard all my life; I stayed in school; I didn't commit crimes bad enough to do jail time, and I have mine. So I say fuck the poor people...just like Jesus taught me.
You can't afford health insurance? Fuck you.
Capitalists raised the cost of your medicine out of your reach? Fuck you.
You have to go decades in debt to get a degree? Fuck you.
Cause I'm a real American where we only think about ourselves.

Americans used to be famous for getting a Plan B when Plan A didn't work. Now we tend to fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo no matter what.


We have elected a compulsive liar as our leader. He lies even when he doesn't have to. If you can forgive that in a leader, you can forgive anything.

I had never even heard of this before this article.
I'm not advocating this. I don't know enough about it yet, but it is worth thinking about.

Now I beg you to research the people Trump has selected to head various departments in his government. Seriously. These people are ALL fundamentally flawed in expertise...almost like it was planned that way.

Thank goodness not all of us have lost our sense of humor.


I'm actually looking forward to this lunacy.


I think often about conversations I've had with people who later committed suicide.
I was terrified I would say something wrong, pushing them over the edge. I still don't know the right advice. 



Not one, but TWO times did he smack the back of his head! I think he's out cold.



God made the Devil, let him escape and does nothing to stop his wickedness. Gee, thanks, God. 

 Remember, with her feet on the dash the air bag would drive her knees straight into her brain cavity.




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