About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


One Of My Very Own





"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." - J. Robert Oppenheimer

The black pillars of smoke you see? Those are telephone poles vaporizing.

A magnetic climbing robot for inspection of steel structures.


Try to guess what this is before scrolling...


 When I did an image search on that image I was led to this...
Yatra’s Shri Amarnathji Holy Cave Shrine in the mountain of southern Kashmir Himalayas.


Of course, gold is valuable because it is rare. Dumping millions of tons on the Earth would negate that rarity.



As a married man, it's hard for me to fall asleep after having sex. Because I have to drive home.



This video presents a very interesting proposition: that Donald Trump has difficulty reading.   He has admitted - publicly and unabashedly - that he "doesn't" read (books, reports, briefings) and prefers to get his information from television.  Examples are presented of him appearing to have problems reading when presented with documents during court testimony and public signings.

Then there's this...

And you have to wonder why he has threatened litigation against any school that released his transcripts. I mean who does that?

I have nothing but admiration for nurses. 

People freak when shit like that happens, but more times than not it is a sheer coincidence. They forget about the thousands of random thoughts that didn't result in ads.


That looks like the result of committee decisions.

Great Escape, Kid!


I would counter with every little bit helps.

Please. How about we ban ships being called "she"?

Reality TV, so fake it strains belief.
The dumbing down of America. And there are people who actually believe that tripe.


Why would he feel compelled to out Mexican other Mexicans? I don't try to out European other European...do I?


This is the most American article you are likely to read.


 Men: “Once you get married you never get any sex”. 
[wife walks around the house completely naked]

Every man: *continues to be completely hypnotized by whatever sports game is on*



 This incredible offshore fortress and defense gun tower at Pembroke Dock, South West Wales, UK is for sale. It was built in 1851 and "designed to be operated by one officer and 33 men." Offers above £70,000 will be entertained.

I'm going to assume this is not in America because of the lack of graffiti.




What else did they expect from a bunch of edgy 12-16yos?

Compared to Mao and Stalin, Hitler was an inept amateur.

"What the fuck just happened?"
- donkey probably 

I didn't know this.
For those unfamiliar with A4: the significant advantage of this system is its scaling: if a sheet with an aspect ratio of √2 is divided into two equal halves parallel to its shortest sides, then the halves will again have an aspect ratio of √2. put very simply. A4 is our standard size for letters, etc. A3 is EXACTLY twice this size, A5 is EXACTLY half this size. In other words, you can cut an A4 sheet in half to get two A5 sheets, and so on. To put it simply: you can keep cutting it in half midway along the long edge, and the result will be 2 sheets with half the area and the same aspect ratio. No other aspect ratio has this property.
It’s is set so A0 is 1 square meter, and the number increases every time it’s halved. Hence A4 is 1/16 of a square meter. 

It’s the fuzz!


 Boss to staff: "What incentives would make you work harder?"
Staff member: "Bonus!"

Boss: "I'm not boning any of you."


Rising Gate Hinge
I was curious about how that worked so I researched it. 
It may need to rise above snow but that's just a guess.
Did you notice the post leans?


I like things like this very much.

This makes my mouth water...

Perfect recovery...


Interesting view of Jacob’s Well.
At first, I thought it was one of those tiny sculptures on a dog's nose. 

You May Be Able to Blow a Smoke Ring, But Can You Blow an Air Ring & Swim Through It?



Flip flops have been making the news for years.

As a weapon it often goes viral.

Latino mothers are noted for being flip flop gunslingers.

They even got involved in this internet fad.

But you ain't seen nothing yet.
The mighty flip flop can even be used to extinguish fires.
Take a quick look at this flip flop welder.

But the #1 all-star of the flip flop is this guy!

 “Leave the peach cobbler in the kitchen alone,” mother would say, going upstairs.
But I couldn’t help myself. I sneaked in and watched him. Watched him make his stupid little peach shoes, taunting.
“Nobody’s going to wear those,” I’d say. “They’re stupid.”

But on he worked.







Let's end with this Pick A Number guy that you may remember.



 Demon Rum



 [verification needed]





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe a gate with a hinge like that would close it's self

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