One Of My Very Own


I like his style.
Saw this in Jack Ryan on Amazon Movies. An action-packed series by the way.

Daesh is what ISIS used to call themselves and then forbid the use of Daesh. It pisses them off really bad when it is used, therefore I think all reference to the group should be Daesh.
What a great question.

It doesn't really make them feel better when you give their cancerous tumor a cutesy name.
You should ALWAYS have a Plan B. Don't be afraid to use it if your Plan A isn't working.
But when you develop a Plan B remember to keep your plans realistic.

People believe what the WANT to believe. You believe that climate warnings are a giant hoax because you don't want to believe we humans are in danger. You believe that there is another giant conspiracy against your child with the vaccines because...well, I don't know why anyone would believe such idiocy.
Many people cope with the aid of drugs, alcohol is the most popular.
That guy is a Master's Level.

Usually, that works with women more than men. A woman with a good buzz on is much more fun in bed and that's a known fact.

Here's the actual law:
I still can't figure out why more Americans aren't marching in the street in disgust.
I am a gun owner. I do not advocate giving the government the power to take my weapons. But we MUST DO SOMETHING to stop the carnage! I'm open to any ideas, but let the discussion begin.
But you need to choose your battles carefully...

"I think computer games are just a diversion that wastes your precious time," me a couple of years ago.

Then I realized that isn't much different from professional sports except maybe that you are an actual participant.
I think that most people have extremely boring jobs.
And that activities like this are therapeutic.

The coping fallback position of most Americans is just to blame an invisible man for their misery at the same time crediting him with their good fortune.
Being old sucks. I mean that. No matter what, get out there and live to the fullest before you are too tired to do so.

In Chicago in 1948, Lucille Chalifoux and her husband sold off their four children as farm laborers. It is claimed by many that this photo was staged, the children were nonetheless separated, sent with other families, and none of them saw each other again until 2013.
Say what you will about Trump but the unemployment numbers are stellar under his administration.
Trump is also trying to get American soldiers brought home - albeit sloppily.
And you young people should always remember that you aren't going to get drafted and shipped out to god know where.

When I was a young man, everyone knew a couple of people who were killed in Vietnam. Not so much nowadays.
We worked hard to turn this page in our sordid history. Not finished yet, but we are much closer than we used to be.
And as hard as it is to believe sometimes we live in the safest period in human history. The fear comes from everyone being made aware of each and every tragic event.

The wisest thing I ever did.
I can imagine that one day crawling across the surface of a distant moon.

Watch the dog on the left...
It's a good thing for that dog that the fish weren't this kind.
A fixed pothole in South Carolina.

Oakland: Guy Falls into tracks as BART train approaches.
I think it was supposed to be Jerk Chicken.

God, I love babies.


This came to me without any information.
If you know anything please let me know...and you the image number below, please.
This shows him moving down the wall. I would have liked more cutbacks like on the far left. I even like the way some cans began to empty and left gaps in the lines.
Here's his tomb in Florence.
Bernini was 23 when he made this.

But when you develop a Plan B remember to keep your plans realistic.

People believe what the WANT to believe. You believe that climate warnings are a giant hoax because you don't want to believe we humans are in danger. You believe that there is another giant conspiracy against your child with the vaccines because...well, I don't know why anyone would believe such idiocy.
Many people cope with the aid of drugs, alcohol is the most popular.
That guy is a Master's Level.

Usually, that works with women more than men. A woman with a good buzz on is much more fun in bed and that's a known fact.

Here's the actual law:
I still can't figure out why more Americans aren't marching in the street in disgust.
I am a gun owner. I do not advocate giving the government the power to take my weapons. But we MUST DO SOMETHING to stop the carnage! I'm open to any ideas, but let the discussion begin.
But you need to choose your battles carefully...

"I think computer games are just a diversion that wastes your precious time," me a couple of years ago.

Then I realized that isn't much different from professional sports except maybe that you are an actual participant.
I think that most people have extremely boring jobs.
And that activities like this are therapeutic.

The coping fallback position of most Americans is just to blame an invisible man for their misery at the same time crediting him with their good fortune.
Being old sucks. I mean that. No matter what, get out there and live to the fullest before you are too tired to do so.

After years of pressure, the Washington Redskins have officially been renamed the Washington Foreskins.
In Chicago in 1948, Lucille Chalifoux and her husband sold off their four children as farm laborers. It is claimed by many that this photo was staged, the children were nonetheless separated, sent with other families, and none of them saw each other again until 2013.
Say what you will about Trump but the unemployment numbers are stellar under his administration.
Trump is also trying to get American soldiers brought home - albeit sloppily.
And you young people should always remember that you aren't going to get drafted and shipped out to god know where.

When I was a young man, everyone knew a couple of people who were killed in Vietnam. Not so much nowadays.
We worked hard to turn this page in our sordid history. Not finished yet, but we are much closer than we used to be.
And as hard as it is to believe sometimes we live in the safest period in human history. The fear comes from everyone being made aware of each and every tragic event.

If I'm in a social setting and I turn my cup up but it's empty I will pretend to take a sip anyway more often than I'd like to admit.
The wisest thing I ever did.
I can imagine that one day crawling across the surface of a distant moon.

Watch the dog on the left...
It's a good thing for that dog that the fish weren't this kind.

Oakland: Guy Falls into tracks as BART train approaches.
I think it was supposed to be Jerk Chicken.

God, I love babies.

Aged 73 and I've just realized that Bug's Life was about workers seeing that they outnumber the bourgeoisie and seizing the means of production.

This came to me without any information.
If you know anything please let me know...and you the image number below, please.
This shows him moving down the wall. I would have liked more cutbacks like on the far left. I even like the way some cans began to empty and left gaps in the lines.
Here's his tomb in Florence.
Bernini was 23 when he made this.
All young people need a hobby, I guess.

*sound on*
E1- world's tallest elevator- at AngloGold Ashanti's Mponeng Gold Mine in South Africa, which in three minutes drops an astonishing 2,283 m (7,490 ft) in a single descent
Bailong elevator, China. 326m. Tallest elevator in world. E1
I think we have been through this before.
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