About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 24, 2020

FRIDAY #4047

One Of My Very Own




Mariko Sakaguchi in a bathtub.
Notice the indifference of the participants.

She has created dozens...
But, of course, it is the photo documentation of the events that is the important part. 
Many more here:

Science has finally perfected the world's first AI cat.

The purpose of the whole exercise is to share on Youtube. Does that make it less than art? Let's just call it performance art and move on.

Much art involves language.




Please Wait To Be Seated, Danny First
Please try to get your head around the notion that art need not be beautiful.

Mark Rothko Cookies

I really like that guy's stuff.

Untangling Christmas lights is the closest my wife and I have ever gotten to S&M.



With the New Year, my cessation attempts have begun in earnest.
I do not need your accolades.

Cigarettes play a cruel trick on those addicted. Lack of nicotine makes me very nervous and being nervous heightens my craving tenfold.
I have realized just how many of my daily activities are centered around smoking - remembering to always have them on my person, where I sit at various venues, hanging out with fellow smokers, and that much desired after-meal smoke.

How about my wife and daughter? My wife had many signed contracts and leases in her maiden name. My daughter had all her published research papers in her maiden name. So, many people think both these women should spend months adjusting all those for...what? I understood completely and simply don't understand why any man would insist that the woman they love change their name like it was necessary for inheritance like in the Dark Ages.

Many people have written off modern culture.

“American Society has no cohesion, it's not a society anymore. It's chaos. Nobody knows their neighbors, nobody cares about their neighbors, nobody cares about altruism. Its a republic of self-absorbed narcissistic consumers who live in a bubble of their own wishes and wants.” – Gary Indiana

Just because you were harmed doesn't mean you get to harm others.


This is why we vaccinate our children.

The first thing everyone should have learned about the internet is that it can't be trusted. So why do people STILL fall for such lunacy?

Russia's biggest weapon against America is to split us into two groups that hate each other. Their strategy is working perfectly. Donald Trump is following Russia's game plan to the letter.
But let's not forget that half the country supported Richard Nixon - he was elected twice.
All I ask is that you tone down the hate of your neighbors who voted for the other guy.

Well, let's look at the good news...

 If you drink 8 glasses of water a day you will die fully hydrated.




Beware the prolonged glare...


I bet you watch this more than once...
 Reminded me of this classic...


With friends like this...


Ohio players gave their coach a french fry bath after Famous Idaho Potato Bowl win.
[verification needed]  


The exact moment his parents decided to spend his college fund on a cruise. 

Hong Kong Police Pepper-Sprayed a Masked Undercover Officer Until the Warrant card was Shown


 At first, I thought that was a footbridge.



Sorry to send you elsewhere but these were too large and most need sound. Enjoy.




Cartoons were better when people got anvils dropped on them and accidentally smoked dynamite like cigars.






The Kiss


Grafting Fence

Swiss Army Flash Drive



It’s so annoying, guys want you to have crazy sex, but they don’t want you to be crazy.






All gyms the first week of January...


How the hell does that happen? I mean, who posts that image on the internet? Jeez.  
















Scott James said...

Puzzle time=6
Each line is x(x-1) where x is the number on the left of the equal sign.

Jon said...


David said...


Anonymous said...

I'm not smart enough for your blog I thought the answer was 12.

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