About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 25, 2020


One Of My Very Own


 I call that threatening a juror which is a felony.
[verification needed]

A bonus current events
Can you identify these two images?

Answer tomorrow.

China is building a 1,000-bed hospital in 10 days for coronavirus patients.




In my opinion, one of the most dangerous trends of the century is the notion that your beliefs trump hard science. That arrogance led to the rejection of vaccines, which I hope we can all agree is insane.

Climate change due to manmade emissions is a real danger that huge portions of the population simply reject after reading a Big Oil sponsored article or two. It hardly gets more dangerous than that. 

There are those who declare that they can believe in science AND simultaneously believe the bible is factual. This is impossible. You can't study facts all week and then on Sunday profess that the world is full of magic. 

A couple of years into my mortgage I switched from a 30 year to a 15-year payoff. The monthly payment only rose from $700 to $900. Then every time we got any extra cash we paid it directly to the principal. This enabled us to pay off our house in less than 11 years.

 I have found that people with only a high school diploma think it is perfectly acceptable for everyone not to attend college. Well, I'm here to tell you that having discussions with high school graduates is pretty much like discussing with a high school student. There are, of course, people who continue with educating themselves with extensive reading, etc, but you don't want high school graduates teaching your children. You don't want one filling your prescriptions, or designing the bridge over which you commute.
I want every motherfucker in America to have AT LEAST a bachelor's degree, and I want it to be free. Call me crazy but I want the United States to be the smartest country on Earth.

I signed up for Grammarly to check my spelling, but it does much more than that. I got this notification the other day.
Low on confidence? How can that be?

The simulation is wonderfully informative:

This is an excellent example of a major cause of America's problems: "We've always done it that way."
That one statement keeps us from growing as a culture.  

Santiago de Compostela Cathedral

I find it interesting that at the same time they had the wherewithal to build such a magnificent structure, they thought the Earth was the center of the universe. They drained the blood of sick people. The Earth was flat. Insane people were possessed by demons.

Don't do this. If you look closely you will notice a woman sitting on a chair at the front left, just outside the convenient crop? Don't lie to me to make your point. It weakens your argument.


 Saw a bumper sticker that said My Other Ride Is Your Mom and my son asked if his mom was giving people piggyback rides so basically don’t ever teach your child to read.



The bell rang just as the kick was initiated and that's why the ref jumped in so quickly. 



Come in from the side, let the soap fall on the rag, then move out of the way without breaking the beam.



It was just a casual comment she made, there is no legislation in the works whatsoever.



 If you hold your phone upside down it looks like she has replied to your text and you are ignoring her.





A train car carrying corn in Minnesota sprung a leak.
 🎶Follow the yellow corn road.🎶

Someone guessed that the egg has a hole in the back used to empty the shell, then it was filled with quail eggs. The hole covered by his finger.






A glitch in a doorbell cam makes it look like a man was abducted by aliens.

I credit atmospheric refraction for most if not all UFO sightings.


Millennial cop dramas are incredibly tough to write. Since we can’t afford to retire, nobody is ever 2 days away from retirement when they stumble upon The Big Case.







This is me that time my wife fell off the wagon and stood on the table in the middle of a party and screamed: "WHO WANTS THEIR DICK SUCKED?"
 Then the second time she did it that same night I was like this...


Me: I know our time together is over. I want you to know that I’ll always treasure the memories and I don’t think anything will make me feel as amazing as you did

Husband: Could you please stop crying and talking to your empty plate. The waiter is scared and people are staring.



 On the site I visit daily, they are trying to pick the best meme of the decade. As a memologist such as myself, I feel qualified to take charge.

First, the following are not memes. They are simply oft reposted video clips.

Watch carefully...


I often use memes which I call Reaction Gifs and I place them after one of my posts as a response to said post.

You may remember seeing them recently.

When they ask you to choose a meme of the decade.


But real memes have some things in common.
They are easily convertible into other memes.


Here is a collection of memes reacting to the meme contest "in character" as it were.

 Good Guy Greg


This is my choice for best meme EVER!

Hide the Pain Harold - Meme of the Decade

He was discovered in a collection of stock images.

Since then he has appeared in thousands of adaptations.

The man is recognized all over the world - fame that he deserves.


Her finding out she didn't win.


But the meme I have gotten the most mileage out of is by far this one...

With this a close second...

And probably your reaction...














Scott James said...

Puzzle time = All seven kids are boys.

Scott James said...

Bonus Puzzle Time = The marble walls at the impeachment trial. Below is a picture of the exact wall in the image you provided, but in color.


Anonymous said...

your best post ever!

Anonymous said...

1st puzzle- the pics are closeups of the tile wall behind the impeachment hearings
-anon from nyc

Anonymous said...

Love the marble wall but it stumped me!
I also couldn't get the 7 children and half are boys.

Anonymous said...

wouldn’t 4 be boys? “them” including the woman is 8

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