About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 27, 2020

MONDAY #4050

One Of My Very Own






And the Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme is irresistible.



Thanks for relaxing if only for a little while. I hope you feel just a little less stressful. 





Meanwhile, in Louisiana...

My wife was regional champ back in '87. Her trick was to use oversized beads - about the size of an orange and a bitch for me to insert. But those ensuing hemorrhoids were so big we made a pair of baby shoes out of them for my grandson. They are like a family heirloom now.

“Kids are disgusting”, I say as I blow my nose in a hanky that hasn’t been washed in 42 years.

<> <>


Deformed and abandoned with scoliosis a lonely dolphin was adopted by a friendly sperm whale,
The article stated that the whales would take turns diving then return to the surface and share their catch with the dolphin.

If I'm not mistaken that is called superstitious behavior and is quite common in birds. It has to do with confusing correlation with causation. I watched a clip of a researcher wait for a pigeon to do something odd then the would drop in a pellet of food. In this one case, it was lifting its wing. After that, the pigeon walked around lifting that one wing for hours. When the research continued to drop food corresponding to the wing movement the behavior became more or less permanent.

Just like the military teaches infantrymen - if you are caught in an ambush, you must attack.

Pack of Wolves chasing a Dog
The size difference is amazing. But we have two distinct possibilities: The wolves either want to eat or mate with the dog. My guess is mate.

I don't think orcas harm humans, but being on that board may make him look like a seal.

It looks like the cat has a hole in it similar to that horse I showed you months ago.

If it's sent by car let's call it a shipment. And if it's sent by ship it's called cargo.



Human tank tread. 

I child's tale:
The catastrophic failure of the aardvark toy would later bankrupt Possum Trot, which was bought out and now produce prison uniforms.
(that just might be true - seriously) 

Speaking of monstrous living things...

This man is cloning old-growth redwoods and planting them in safe places.
If you visit that site, listen to his interview.

Overweight 37-year-old sticks landing after double twist.
 The greater the ounce the more the bounce.


This is all I could think of...



 [if I acted in real life the way guys do online]
*running up to interrupt 2 guys I don’t know, super out of breath* hey, just wanna let you know that joke you made earlier sucked big time.



Damn it, I hate catching the wrong flight!

 "In 1979, Birmingham News photographer Jerry Ayres and reporter Mark Winne pursue a car driving through the Birmingham area with a hand waving for help from the trunk."
 The hand belonged to a kidnapping victim. The occupants of the car were talking about where to kill the victim and dump his body.
 The reporters chased the car until the police pulled it over and arrested the kidnappers. Trunk guy, with one of the kidnappers in background.
Gary O. Collier had been beaten and stabbed and locked in the trunk 14 hours earlier.

I hope this woman rots in hell.
I'm thinking the poor thing is also blind.

 And his Madam is still at large and they don't seem to be looking for her very hard.

When you call a medical office and their message starts with, "if this is a life-threatening emergency, please hang up and call 911 ... and if you didn't learn that by the age of 4 then who are we to interrupt natural selection?"

<> Quick, throw some shit on him!


The aptly named Impossible Foods in Redwood City, California, who introduced the world to an incredible plant-based burger that has the appearance, textures, aromas, and flavors of real meat, has announced that they will be adding an “Impossible Pork” to their ever-growing list of meat alternative options. One reason the company chose to emulate pork is due to the very many cultural dishes that call for the specific flavor of that meat.
The wife and I plan to go to Burger King and try one of those vegetarian burgers. Who knows, we might like them.

And here we have Plan B:
We should all be aware that growing millions of pounds of plants to create just 100s of thousands of pounds of meat is just unsustainable and something must be done.
But the above is a whole nother horse of a different color. That is REAL fish. But instead of growing on a skeletal organic framework it is grown in a culture dish. I'm ready for it.

Do you think that middle-class families should be forced into bankruptcy due to medical bills? If you work for a government or a company that offers insurance then shrug and suggest everyone get a job like yours. But, of course, that is impossible. 
What I suggest is for you to get some empathy for your fellow citizens who are financially ruined by illness. We as a country can do better than that.
I apply the same empathy test to homosexuality, race, and immigrants. Just because I am in the majority does not give me the right to stay neutral to the torment of other groups.

 Does this correlate with anything, or are they just showing Americans are bad at geography?
I once had a meeting in Kansas City and after I got home I had trouble finding KC on a map. So what? I sold the mural and made a bundle anyway.
But think about the people who put their dots in oceans. No, people owe a poll taker nothing and more often than not they just fuck with them. Just look at the polls for the last election, ie, the polls proved that Trump couldn't possibly win.

4 people from the same town who fought in different wars.
 I once read that there were far more veterans of the Civil War than there were combatants. Think 
about that.
My father's grandfather flat out admitted to anyone who would listen that during one Civil War battle he hid in a hollow log. I try to carry on the family tradition of cowardice.

Considering suicide? Find someone who attempted it a few years ago and ask them if they regret being saved.

Don't believe in witches? The bible does.
For the most part, the Holy Bible depicts witches as agents of Satan who must be put to death.
So why couldn't that woman be a real witch?

When you get as old as I am just about everything reminds me of something else in my younger years.

People who make blanket statements are completely horrible & have no redeeming qualities.


Why is it mounted off the floor so they can't reach the top?

My heart goes to the poor parents who now have to spend more on king size diapers.

Green Fields, Yellow River, Black Beach and Blue Sea in Iceland


I think they would have been a great idea.

[verification needed] 

The Mathematical Bridge is a wooden footbridge across the River Cam, connecting the old and new parts of Queens' College in Cambridge. The bridge is much admired because of its intriguing design—it is constructed entirely out of straight timbers but has an arched shape. 

 Hostile architecture, also known as defensive architecture, is designed to subtly make a place an unwelcome place to stay for long periods of time. Spikes, armrests that prevent lying down, and snake pits are examples of this creative phenomenon.
Designers most commonly use these features in urban environments to discourage homeless people from staying too long. To mitigate them, artist Sarah Ross made clothing that allows the wearer to find comfort in deliberately uncomfortable places.

I've shown you this masterpiece before.
But did you notice the tracked armored personnel carrier in the background?

I'm fascinated by this.
Someone suggested that that is a pineapple on top.
But it was the floor that drew my ire.

I hate fake shit. Notice how that pattern repeats itself. That could only occur if it is some sort of linoleum crap.
Yes, I am cursed with such awesome observational powers.













1 comment:

weaponoffishdestruction@gmail.com said...

To (2) have and to (2) hold

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