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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 21, 2020

FRIDAY #4075

One Of My Very Own







You DO NOT have to respect everyone's religion.

Do Muslims have symbolic cannibalism of their Lord too? 


What does combat do to 18 years old's mind?
 Please get help.

As I understand it the system was designed when people lived until 70 or so, therefore statistically the government only sent you payments for 5 or so years. Now we live much longer and may outlive the money in "their" account.
[verification needed]

Why are we not rebelling over this inhumane greed?

The truth emerges.  

This is the face of disgusting, unethical, disgraced fraud Andrew Wakefield who wrongly suggested measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) are linked to autism so that he could selfishly gain at the cost of incredible pain and death to young children.
What must historians say about this prick? 




I would add - rich men. 





Imagination allows you to have flashbacks of things that never happened.




Did you notice that the motor is so large that the hood doesn't fit properly? As I understand it, a Porche motor will drop right in.

Speaking of...
Abandoned cars inside the Fukushima exclusion zone.


Who knew there was such a thing as a guard cow?  

Stanislav Petrov is a Soviet officer who saved the world from a nuclear war. The fact was that in the fall of 1983 the warning system for a missile attack from the #U.S. side worked, but the lieutenant colonel Petrov on duty, contrary to the instructions, did not give an order above to retaliate and detected a false positive.
 After the incident, Stanislav Petrov was forced to leave military service and lived all his life in the suburbs.
Is suburbs just another word for Siberia. 

And yes I will keep reminding you of this world hero every time I stumble upon it.

At the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia.
Notice how he floats.
Danakil lies about 410 ft (125 m) below sea level, and is one of the hottest and most inhospitable places on Earth— temperatures average 94 degrees Fahrenheit (34.5 Celsius) but have been recorded above 122 Fahrenheit (50 Celsius). Numerous sulfur springs, volcanoes, geysers, acidic pools, vast salt pans, and colorful mineral-laden lakes dot the area, which formed above the divergence of three tectonic plates. Volcanic activity heats spring water, bringing sulfur and iron to the surface, leaving behind yellow, green, and orange deposits. For centuries, locals have been trekking in with camel caravans to mine the salt by hand. 

Statue of David by Michelangelo, encased in brick to prevent damage from bombs, during world war 2.

They built a massive multi-material wall to protect The Last Supper.

And boy was it needed.

The old wrench on the bumper trick.
This is the wrench. 
 This is the story.

I guess we should be careful adding lemon at a candlelit dinner. 

What about 16% of 2500?

Ancient 2'x4' Crate-Like Object May Be World's Oldest Known Wooden Structure


The glue, paper, and ink are all edible.  



I have a Russian friend who is a sound technician. And a Czech one too. A Czech one too.


  The eyes are her glasses.


Send in the War Tortoise!
 And they are aggressive even unadorned...
 There's a lot about tortoises I don't understand...

The proper way to deal with spiders...

Reverse eating is unsettling.

 How did the cameraman get there?


Where is this?
Go ahead - guess.
The top of a fence post. A microenvironment.

That would just smear shit on my balls.


My wife told me that women are better at multitasking than men. So I told her to sit down and shut up and she couldn't do either.



A guy finds a hidden room in a 168-year-old house.

Mostly empty liquor bottles.

 I knew a guy who didn't want his wife to know how much he drank so he kept a pint bottle 

In one of his foundation vents.
  When he died they found thousands of identical bottles under his house where they were pushed once finished.

The handrail is your friend. 


Baaaaaaaaaaambi Jenkins!!!

Speaking of...
I would put that sword to good use...a public service as it were.  


  Bikers wear leather not just to look cool. Bikers know that it is only a matter of time before they will have to lay it down and slide. Here's what that looks like without leather.

It's called road rash and it is very painful.

Some times it goes all the way to the bone.







And it is so very liberating. 









1 comment:

n2prenr said...

RE: the VW Beetle hood has been equipped with extenders for increased air flow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83W2Oc3om1k

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