One Of My Very Own
Making homemade dowels.
Have you ever thought about having a leech as a pet?
Have you ever thought about having a leech as a pet?
Me neither.
I once had the opportunity to attend a class about what you can and can not do when moving one of those. You must notify the County Sheriff of each county you pass through and, strangely, they can not be moved on Sunday.





Time for an update on the Australian Bushfires - Regrowth edition.
I know that is what happens when you buy a new car then see them everywhere.
Be like that guy.

The remains of a huge 300-Million-Year-Old shark skull have been found deep inside an underground Kentucky cave.

It's a long way from the ocean today, but the discovery shows that this ancient underground labyrinth was once a vast ocean teeming with sharks.
That was one smart man.
But realistically everyone KNOWS that the Republicans are going to win in South Carolina. In the illustration above, what difference would it make if have the non-voters would vote Republican?
"By the power invested in me by this giant bald bird, the president shall not be the shiniest of two turds!"
- Abraham Lincoln.
Yeah, and the people you silly hat people stole the land from didn't speak Mayan.
I always cut the guy some slack when he makes a small gaff like that. Everybody has done it.
Okay, maybe not that weird.

A couple of days ago I posted a creature in a flask of water and I think I have identified it.
Octopus on a stick - Osaka, Japan
As I understand it, these are delicious. I would love to try some. ^^A6^^
"This poor crocodile has been wandering around Indonesia with a tire around its neck for around four years now, and no one can figure out how to remove it. The situation pointedly illustrates the problems caused by dumping garbage into the sea. Authorities are concerned that the tire could strangle the crocodile as it grows larger.
Antara reported that the crocodile may be a Siamese crocodile, a species native to southeast Asia that's critically endangered, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Fewer than 1,000 of the crocodiles are thought to be left in the wild.
Indonesian officials have now offered a reward to free the unnamed crocodile from its plight, according to Antara.
"A reward will be given to anyone who can release the hapless reptile," Central Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Office chief Hasmuni Hasmar said. Details of the "reward" were not given."
RH: I would need to know EXACTLY what the reward was before I made plans.
Scotland’s Isle of Skye
I have a theory about such things. When people lived in small clans it behooved them to get together regularly so that the young men could find a mate that was not his sister or first cousin. I think structures like the above marked the spot where the meetups would occur. ^^A9^^
That thing needs to be sitting on a stone base - go with the Earth, wind, fire, and water theme.
Leaving a watermelon on someone's doorstep in the middle of the night is an inexpensive way to occupy a portion of their mind for a long, long time.




One thing no one ever talks about being an adult is how much time you debate yourself on keeping a cardboard box because it's like a really good box.
Time for an update on the Australian Bushfires - Regrowth edition.
Genetically Engineered Moths Released For The First Time
They eat up various crops. They are largely resistant to insecticides. They cause losses of up to $5 billion annually. These are diamondback moths, one of the major insect pests in the world.
To try to suppress their population in a sustainable way, an international team of researchers has created a strain of genetically engineered diamondback moths and released them into the wild for the first time.
For the study, published Wednesday in the journal Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, the researchers engineered the moths so that when the males of the strain mated with wild females, the female offspring would die during the caterpillar life stage.
The male offspring, however, would survive and mate with the remaining female moths, repeating the cycle with their offspring until the overall population is reduced.
This action, however, raises some concerns.


It's a long way from the ocean today, but the discovery shows that this ancient underground labyrinth was once a vast ocean teeming with sharks.
Reading minds would be the absolute worst superpower. If you think people say stupid shit now imagine what they actually hold back.
That was one smart man.
"By the power invested in me by this giant bald bird, the president shall not be the shiniest of two turds!"
- Abraham Lincoln.
Ouch! But that is in the back of our minds.
Sucks that the machine I use to write also has a function where you can shop for a new duvet cover for 3 hours.
Because it feels prickly?

Advice to all young men: You stick your dick in everything in which your dick will fit. Every memory of me sticking my dick in weird shit is cherished.

Simon Weckert loaded a wagon with cellphones and pulled them slowly through Berlin. This fooled Google Maps into registering severe congestion, marking the streets bright red in the service, and rerouting traffic to avoid the area.
Ready for another 20 beers.
Speed or cocaine? You decide.
The questions begs - How did the person who ratted him out explain how he memorized the tune?
Speed or cocaine? You decide.
Now she's just showing off.
I don't find that any more strange than believing in talking snakes and eating the body of your holy guy.
Did you notice him out the back window? I almost missed it.
1 comment:
Given that Clinton beat Trump by 2,868,686 votes in the popular election, it is mathematically impossible for the difference between them to have been point one percent. For that to be true, the population eligible to vote would have to have been 2.86 billion.
Can you post a link for the graphic? It seems highly likely that it was altered by a Trump supporter.
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