One Of My Very Own
What a fucking coincidence!
Coronavirus compared to other virus outbreaks.
Here are some thoughts of others that you might want to think about.

It is in Russia's best interest that we Americans hate one another. It is a very powerful propaganda tool.
Some of the hate has been going on since Abraham heard voices in his head and decided to stab his son. Had the son been gay he would have probably just gone ahead and stabbed the little bastard.

Think of the societal ills wrought by organized religions.
Burn for E-TERN-I-TY!!! Not even you believers believe that.
I'm not a big fan of abortion, but my body was never burdened with being with a child. I will leave the decision to the experts.
Someone of some political standing, Nina Turner, calls Mike Bloomberg an "Oligarch."
Why does the number of arrests of Trump's appointments, not concern Trump supports? Do you think that everyone in the Justice Department is a Democrat stooge? Or maybe, just maybe Trump surrounds himself with fucking crooks?
Listening to the responses of Trump supporters to his impeachment acquittal helps me understand the reaction of black people to the O.J. Simpson verdict.
I commend him for governing during major dips in unemployment.
I am very concerned about his friendship with our major adversary.

Believing your enemy over every one of our intelligence chiefs has got to tell you something no matter how much you love the guy.
Fact: Russia manipulated the 2016 election in Trump's favor.
Think about why they would do that.
This, for whatever reason, is a very popular image on many sites.
That image of Keanu Reeves was found shopped into a 'Lunch atop a Skyscraper' photo in a Ukrainian World History textbook.
Interestingly, when I researched an image just like that photoshopped, this is what I came up with.
I didn't notice the dick in the thumbnail.

[verification needed]

It's almost like the Earth is breathing.
Here's another view...

The Darker Disney
Phone rang. Caller ID said "FUTURE US." I determined that it was me calling from the future to give myself important information. I answered and it was indeed me, but I was only trying to sell myself aluminum siding.

You gotta love that guy. The best facial expressions in the business.
A hotel in Wunang has been providing 1000 free "Love Box Lunch" meals a day for frontline medical staff at local hospitals.

Can't we all just get along?


This was credited to Keanu Reeves, but I have long since given up on tracking down who said what. But remember, if I like what was said I really don't give a shit who said it.
This guy gets it

Hairy stockings are a thing now.
And coming soon to a runway near you - natural eyebrows!!

I can't fucking wait.
I lost my virginity to a girl who looked like the one in the upper right.
I guess panic does that to people.

Well, he had to exert himself dragging the TV outside.
Doctor: How many times a week do you exercise?
Me: Does taking the stairs instead of the elevator count?
Doctor: Sure.
Me: Okay, then *counting on fingers* never.
That took me way too long. <>


Do want.

I just found out who painted this.

Work by mydogsighs at the Cartford Inn, Great Eccleston, UK.


Pay attention.
- Opossums are marsupials native to the Americas. They are characterized by white faces and sharp teeth.
- Possums are marsupials native to Australia and some neighboring countries. They are characterized by prehensile tails.

Pop Quiz: What is this?

Piñatas give kids unrealistic expectations of how much candy spills out of a donkey when you split one open.
The exact moment that little Tommy knew he wasn’t that into Legos anymore.
Just wait until he figures out what his dick is for.

I have never been caught masturbating...not once.
My bet is that that is not his wife.
So the fool takes his side bitch to a place with a thousand cameras?


Well, I certainly read that hashtag wrong.

Know what this is?
A New USB hub.
I have had people accuse me of being obsessed with anal sex. Guys, I can only post what I can steal off the internet. Blame them.
Plus I'm obsessed with anal.
I got this left in my comments. Note the title of my post.

I did not click on even one of his sites. And I'm proud of that by god!
When you read this remember it is in the Naughty Bits section.

In my opinion, all religion is founded on explaining what happens to us after we die and crowd control. And every religion just made up their own myth.
Another fat girl vs a rope swing
Regarding your comments on politics; you really are not clever at all. If I were you I'd keep it to myself...
Unlike Mike Harris I ENJOY your political comments.
Hiya Ralph,
I too disagree with some of your political leanings. I'll live.
Keep up the good work on your awesome photo-blog.
Best regards,
Wow! Mike is Triggered
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