About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


One Of My Very Own






These nest three are true.



The stock market is starting to look good so most folks will be able to afford a casket for their immunity compromised relatives.

Because my electric cart has no heater I keep a pair of gloves on the dash for when it gets cold. I  haven't had to put on those gloves all winter.

This is part of a comment "communist healthcare for all" from a disgruntled viewer:
"None of the pre-op tranquilizers, no easy pain relief, etc., and if they are inefficient you can't do anything. Why not accept you live in the best country in the world and stop wishing for the Gulag."

I have socialized medicine call Medicare and I love it. I go to any doctor I want. I receive excellent care. I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't like Medicare.
I propose Medicare for all and keep all citizens healthy. If that is communism then sign me up anyway.




This photo gives an unusually clear look at the shockwave of an explosion.

Solar Plasma Ejection

See the face? 

Upvote if you're a pervert like me.


Light bulb self-destructs in slow motion.

Someone in Australia was tying their shoe when a Fire Bombing plane had to drop their load due to excessive turbulence.


Oh, the pathos. 

Me: I don’t believe the world is round...
Flat Earthers: *getting visibly excited*
Me: ...because it’s actually an oblate spheroid.

Flat Earthers: Is that...how flat is that.



When someone asks me if I don't post a daily blog just for fake internet points then why do I do it...


"ALL" letters to Santa? Not possible. 

In my next life, I'm going to be a comedy writer.


 [alphabet committee]
Boss: What are the vowels
Designer: a e i o and u
Boss: sometimes I think we need another one
Designer: why

Boss: perfect

I simply do not believe in talking snakes...and deep down neither do you.


And there's a souvenir for some lucky fan...
Yeah, a concussion and a parking meter shaped impression permanently embossed into his forehead.

I know, I know, but it made me smile the second time around.


 [ Defenestrate - verb - throw someone out of a window. ]
And it's my bet the guy on the left - the one nearest the window - just heard the story.

That momentary lag of recognition as he casually reaches for it.

In my state, we have a lemon law, whereby you can return a car if it required an excess of repairs in the first year whether you have to pay for it or not.
And as I understand it, you can be sued for defamation - an area of law that provides a civil remedy when someone's words end up causing harm to your reputation or your livelihood.

 Why would anyone assume they have the power to tell me what I can and can not celebrate. This guy was clever about it...
I would have just told the bitch to go fuck themselves.

Me: Have a good day at school.
Child: Not possible.
Me: What? Why not?
Child: Hey dad, have a good day at work.

Me: Oh ok I see what you’re saying.






I predicted to anyone who would listen that if the Dems impeached Trump he would be reelected.



Dear Secret Service, That was a joke and I really don't intend to burn Washington.

This is what congress needs to be addressing.

I have often stated we Americans are over criminalized, but when babies start dying I think it's time to act.


Eats one handful of popcorn. Spends the next 4 years flossing.



 Pakistan's government declared a national emergency after an infestation of desert locusts arrived in eastern Pakistan. It comes as locusts have been decimating crops and livestock pastureland in east Africa, including swarms 40 miles wide.

I had a perfect place in my yard that I could do very similar things.
Only we would hide army men. We would do this while having our backs to one another so we couldn't see what our friends were doing. Then we would take turns with bb guns and tossing firecrackers until somebody lost all their "army".
Great fun.

Fuck China.

I never would get any work done. 

You're not going to believe this shit.

If that doesn't give you both clips, try these:


I found this very interesting. 

One of the sadder things is that they don't understand being left alone. They are pack animals and with rare exceptions don't understand solitude.
After writing that I found this:

Yeah, but you can also catch crabs that way.

Somebody want to explain that to me?

Wife: Do you remember when I told you-

Me: No.



This horse moves to the beat of the music.


I don't think it meant to do that. 

But eventually, it will get lucky.
And rest assured, the guy in the brown shirt is that horse's bestest friend. 
"Back it up, girl."
- Male horse probably


I'm pretty sure that horse didn't do that purposely. 
As a matter of fact, cavalry can't simply ride over or through a Roman phalanx because the horses balk.

They have no way to understand what is going on.

But I'm pretty sure they react to the slight rumbles of such things as do many other animals. But where are they to go?

I lost my virginity on horseback and I didn't even have a guy to guide my dick into the right hole.






[verification needed] 








1 comment:

Scott James said...

Puzzle time = colon cancer

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