One Of My Very Own

A young guy had this on his forehead on Ash Wednesday. I asked him if he believed in talking snakes and he said he didn't believe any of that shit. I pointed to his forehead and he said: "We've always done it."
The death knell of the dying brain.
Bloomberg at the last Debate


He loves pudding...pudding his dick where it doesn't belong.

A young guy had this on his forehead on Ash Wednesday. I asked him if he believed in talking snakes and he said he didn't believe any of that shit. I pointed to his forehead and he said: "We've always done it."
The death knell of the dying brain.

Bloomberg at the last Debate


He loves pudding...pudding his dick where it doesn't belong.






Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1933

Of such nightmares are born.

And here a very powerful social message.

I didn't think that was possible in that the effect on the boat of the first shot would spoil the aim of the remaining barrels.

That is exactly how the velociraptors ran in Jurassic Park.
Look carefully...
See it yet?Closer still...

Okay, here it is...

Should have read "On this day."
I have no information on this.
A Google image search yielded this:
A Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory employee is opening the world’s heaviest door on a hinge – a 97,000-pound concrete filled door—which was used to shield the Rotating Target Neutron Source-II (RTNS-II) at the Laboratory.
RTNS-II was the world’s most intense source of continuous fusion (14 MeV) neutrons. Scientists from around the world used it to study the properties of metals and other materials that could be used deep inside fusion power plants envisioned for the next century.
The door was eight feet thick and nearly twelve feet wide at the outside. The door could be opened or closed both manually or by remote control. A special bearing in the hinge allowed a single person to move the door, which weighs as much as 32 automobiles (at 3,000 pounds each).
I once ate Thanksgiving dinner in a friend's woman's sex dungeon. I think about this often.
[verification needed]
When I moved that clip to my desktop as a thumbnail I noticed that it looks like a face - might have to squint.
It looks like Frank Zappa!
How very, very clever.
I am a long time critic of such things and if I'm not mistaken they have taken steps to cut down on the abuses.
This in one of my neighbor's yard.
We have some real characters here.Come to find out, the lady who lives there is an artist and that is one of her pieces depicting the Seven Deadly Sins - that being gluttony.
Louisiana? Well, that explains a lot.
I lost my virginity in Louisianna.
Try to deduce what the fuck is going on here.
The parent is vacuuming the car and took the two youngest kids out of the car while still buckled in the car seats. ^^D7^^
He must be the new guy.
Me think the lady's basement is flooded.

How a hydraulic bottle jack works.
Well said. Very well said.
1 comment:
Puzzle time = souvenir
Souix veneer
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