About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

SUNDAY #4084

One Of My Very Own
That was embarrassingly awful. Let's try again...
Hell, not much better, but, hey, they can't all be gems.


 Ad in China telling the Chinese to stop eating wild animals so that we don't need face masks.


The proper way to wash your hands





All things Ralph.


Tell me it ain't so. 




My grocery list:
1. Don’t run into anyone you know

2. Eggs


(Every meeting I have ever had to attend)





[verification needed]

All while being filmed.

What in the name of Nicola Tesla was his best-case scenario? 


“Who let the dogs out,” they ask. “No idea,” I say. They let me go. As I walk away from the police station my limp slowly disappears.



It doesn't take much to amuse me. 

A 50 million-year-old Gecko preserved in amber.
Don't dare tell me that I've shown you that before. I don't think one viewing of something so remarkable is enough. 

Knock loud, I’m home.
 My father went in with some neighbors to buy a shack like that. It was on a river and we used to camp there often. It was in that shack that I learned I was nearly deaf in one ear. The crickets and frogs were so loud that nobody could go to sleep, so I suggested that they lay on their "good ear." I thought that everyone had a good and a bad ear sort of like being left or right-handed.

 Xauex? Why fuck it up like that?


They are fancy caps for a toy gun. 

El Capitan in the morning light.


I've seen a million of these on the beach.
  I always thought that the little balls of sand were excavated from the hole, but no. The crab gathers it up as he walks away from the hole.
Check it out.


Rather...spooky that.

HER: I want u so bad
ME: badly
HER: what?
ME: badly…not bad…it should be an adverb
HER: you don't sext very good

ME: you mean I don't sext very WELL



 He's got game.

And his wife put on a few pounds. 

The Last Milk Bender

The Irish

[verification needed] 
Sorry for the poor quality.

Dear Ladies, That refers to masturbation.


This is one of the only times in my life I haven't owned a convertible. I even had a 1946 VW convertible when I was serving my country by drinking beer in Germany.

The closest thing to a miracle we will ever see.


Some people are dealing with real-life crises right now and need your nudes now more than ever.




Oh no, I hope the driver is...



Miss Teenage Riot





 “I want to take all my psychiatry out on you” 
– Taylor Mead















Get it? Not really a puzzle. It took me much longer than it should have.

1 comment:

Stephen Hait said...

A3 - Not sure why it's called "chocolate" chili. Cincinnati chili is awesome but not the same as southern hotdog chili. Available at CAE Publix in freezer section or canned if you can't get to a chili parlor in Cincy. I grew up in Cincinnati and there are chili parlors all over town there open late. Served with spaghetti or on coney hot dogs with onions and hot sauce. We have this a couple times a month at our place.

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