About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 29, 2020


One Of My Very Own


When you don’t want the corona virus but still need to pay the bills...

Does this make you less anxious?
How about this confidence builder?

And they still worry about the money...THE MONEY!

If that doesn't load try this:

Ever wonder how rich Bloomberg is?
Here's the way the chart is organized:
Each dot is equal to $1M,

Here's the whole chart.

Does anybody but me find that disconcerting?



That one looks very large.
This one looks large because it was held closer to the camera than the background.

But what about this one?

I ran a Google Image Search and came up with nothing.

Meanwhile in Romania...

That is how they fix a pipeline which transports water to a small city. It was built in 1978.





How wonderful.


I refused to go to Target with my wife, so she took the tv remote with her instead.



What in the GARY, INDIANA is going on here...

That was the title that came with the image. I haven't a clue.


I'm confused that so many people believe their president over the scientific experts on this issue. And please remember, your "opinion" means absolutely nothing when it comes to facts.

[verification needed]

So many people think that the economy is the stock market. I think the best way to rate an economy is the fact that most young people today know they will not have the quality of life as their parents.

In my state, we have a luxury tax on new automobiles but it is capped at $3,000. So a Ferrari is taxed about the same as a high-end Ford. Just another unapologetic perk for rich people.
We (you and I) pay 9% of our pay for Social Security but that amount is also capped at $150k. Therefore rich people pay much less than 9%. And don't try to use the argument that rich people won't need SS because I don't fly but my taxes still go to build airports. I don't have a boat but I help pay for the wharf and dredge the harbor.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Why choose the ugliest feature to duplicate?


Well, he spun the key!

That was very well done.

Why have I not seen a motorcycle with skis before? 

Saudi Arabia
What to guess this thing's function?

It's a no trucks allowed highway. It seems to be effective.

What did they think would happen?

There has got to be a better way.

"When I was your age, I murdered a woman and stole her shoes." 

- Dorothy, years after Oz, recounting her adventures to her grandchildren.








From the pen of Andy Borowitz




Caveat emptor
ca·ve·at emp·tor
/ˌkavēˌät ˈem(p)ˌtôr/
the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made. 

All things Ralph

I weep for the future. 




Whoever came up with the idea of pills for cats never met a cat.



My figure that was once in the girl's bathroom in a bar is not mounted on my studio door. 

Find a woman who looks at you like that woman is looking at the other woman.

If you ain't first, you're last.

You can watch the shows here:

I use to do that. I criticized fans of Star Wars, Star Trek and Lord of the Rings. Now I have mellowed out about it - much like the author of the above.  

My future brother-in-law used to carry a 3/4" pipe in his car then pull up to the curb and point it at a couple to see their reaction. It, of course, looked exactly like a 12 gauge shotgun.
This was in Birmingham, Alabama and shamefully the couples were almost always black.

I would have thought they would be wearing cups.

What has he been eating - rocks?!


Commenting on a girl's "goose-like stamina" is a nice compliment during sex and plants the seed for an interesting fact about geese later on.



3 WHALE ROCK at the top of t sam wan mountain in Phu Sing, bueng kan province, Thailand.



Squint really hard and you will see it moves smoothly.

Push the red yarn in a catsup bottle and it makes it look like a squirt when squeezed.


He saw his chance and he took it...




The municipal landfill in Casper, Wyoming, is the final resting place of 870 blades whose days making renewable energy have come to end.
 Tens of thousands of aging blades are coming down from steel towers around the world and most have nowhere to go but landfills. In the U.S. alone, about 8,000 will be removed in each of the next four years. Europe, which has been dealing with the problem longer, has about 3,800 coming down annually through at least 2022, according to BloombergNEF. It’s going to get worse: Most were built more than a decade ago when installations were less than a fifth of what they are now.
Wind power is carbon-free and about 85% of turbine components, including steel, copper wire, electronics, and gearing can be recycled or reused. But the fiberglass blades remain difficult to dispose of. With some as long as a football field, big rigs can only carry one at a time, making transportation costs prohibitive for long-distance hauls.














Anonymous said...

Puzzle: add to it?

David said...

Puzzle time- it adds up....

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time — I really don’t give 2 ITs what the solution to this puzzle is

Ralph Henry said...

What it's all about? or That's what it's all about?
Hell, I don't know. I just like thinking about them.

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