About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 11, 2020




In the US the insurance companies are denying business interruption claims because of the pandemic. 
They get a free mask with their newspaper.


They move to the front of all lines.
The Himalayas is visible for the first time in 30 years as pollution levels in India drop.
 And in Chicago they are begging people to stop shooting each other.
I think that is a great example for the world.


Beware the rumor mongers...
And the spreader above will never spread this...
The workers are accused of walking around spreading the virus. 
A political/holy war has broken out in Kansas.
A group of Republican legislators overturned the Governor’s Ban on public gatherings of more than 10 people claiming State Constitutional rights were being violated. This effectively allows public Easter Church services onsite of any size during the pandemic. In direct contrast to all medical advice.  The ban did not prohibit worship services in any way, just the public gatherings. 
In a war between science and religion, science will win every time.


Ask yourself why he would do that.

 It's fucking embarrassing. We just thought we hated Nixon.





More messages from Georgia...
 Stupid bastard.
Look at and read this very carefully...
Conspiracy Theorists Say 5G Networks are Linked to COVID-19
This newsperson working at home accidentally shows that he works without pants.
My dear friend was the editorial editor of the state's largest newspaper and he wrote or approved all headline. He would love this one in the USAToday...




Sunbathe no matter where you live...
Make a Youtube video.
He's saying, "You won't believe what I had to pay for this."

Work on those photographic skills...
Learn to cook AND fuck with your spouse...
Fuck with your pet...
 Make a fort with your kids...
This is really delightful and educational.
I just realized today why there was never enough time to get any work done in my studio. I misunderstood and have been washing my hands for 20 MINUTES each time.

The wife and I couldn't be in a more advantageous position to suffer through this STAYTHEFUCKATHOME. Every day we count off items we don't have to worry about. Paramount is the partner I have to get me through this. She is amazing.
I do not want to hear about another wonderful person who died from the covid19. They are all the most wonderful among us. The best of the best. The funniest, hardest working, most loving humans on earth. Bullshit. They were normal flawed human beings just like the rest of us. Just once I want someone to say "Yeah, she was an alright Mom" which they all were.
President Trump doesn't seem to give a fuck about testing, but the only way to open up our economy is to know who has it, who had it, and who never had it. Can anyone explain to me why he hasn't used all his powers to ramp up the SWAB PRODUCTION???
Who would have ever thought that our Achilles Heel would be the lack of big Q-Tips?

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