About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 6, 2020


But a viewer sent me this:

I think it's just a nomenclature problem:
Oh, that makes things all better.





 This is who the CCP killed 31 years ago.



Names spray painted in subway car...
 Did you recall who they are?
 People killed in police custody.

 Let's try to enlarge that.
Even though police brutality is the issue the cover-ups and officer protections are what is more worrisome. 

 IDed by his neck tattoo.


If you wear a mask to protect old people like me...
Thank you. 
And a very important reminder. If you are not sure if you need to wear a mask then call your doctor and ask him.



Alternative ending.

Things that may not be true.

















Ida B Wells-Barnett, for those that do not know, was an American investigative journalist, educator, and an early leader in the civil rights movement.  She was also a founding member of the NAACP as well as an advocate of the 2nd Amendment.  
All citizens should be allowed to own firearms! 






To set the record straight, it is okay to be concerned about more than one issue at a time.
I want to end police violence against black people. But I am also concerned about black on black homicide. 
You can respect the advice of epidemiologists and be scared shitless over what is happening to the world's economy. 
You can both respect the police and condemn the bad cops. 
You can both want the government to solve problems and be concerned about the erosion of our freedoms.
You can support legitimate protesters and abhor looters. I do understand the power of civil disobedience but why can't the peaceful protesters just go home when the violence starts?

I'm having a real struggle keeping my wife home and safe instead of marching with the protesters. She stays home not so much for her own safety but to further protect me.

Stay safe and try not to end up on YouTube.


Fardygardy said...

I liked your thoughtful comments at the end of the post

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above comment.
As an old hippie from the 70's I cannot believe the BS our country is going through under this IDIOT of a President.

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