About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020



One of the last dictators is falling - in Belarus
 People are finally fed up with his shit and soldiered thru some of the heaviest police beatings, torture, and straight killing of citizens.
 People keep gathering and the old cockwomble already called Putin to ask him for help. We will see how this will go down.

GO BELARUS, you can do it, you can be free!



 If she can do it you can do it.

The same for college sports. It's your fault anti-maskers. It's all you. 



Look and read that again you stupid motherfuckers!




That is one clueless motherfucker.
He was the man who told you...YOU that is was a hoax. He looked you in the eye and told you that.
Well, there are 170,000 hoaxes lying in a grave BECAUSE  of this inept motherfucker!
And don't dare tell me that there was nothing that could have been done. Countries all over the world figured this shit out, yet our supreme leader more or less did nothing. 

[verification needed]


I have met people who support their Democratic candidate no matter how awful they turn out to be. But I come down on the side of sanity...as in...oops, I think I made a mistake. But there are so very many people who seem compelled to back their horse no matter how many races they lose? And by all measures, Donald Trump has no only lost but lost badly. I think being pitied by the rest of the world covers that very well...make great again indeed!


My wife didn't get that gag.





To be clear, if you want to be urinated upon and find a person who agrees to be the dispenser, then that's your business. I don't judge.

 See how easy that is.
Oh, here's another "fact" you may not know.
I read it somewhere so it must be true.
Don't be stupid on purpose.


And you knew who. 

 Listen to his rhetoric then look at his stats.
The man should be jailed.

These men are all prominent Republicans...


 You are being played like a fiddle and they know there is nothing we can do about it.

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