About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020







 Think anti-mask people dying of covid.


I would have never believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes.

 Because many tens of thousands will be dead.









Death does that to a workforce. 

 China is asshole.



I hope these large files load:
As soon as Donald Trump said it was a bomb, I deduced it was something else besides a bomb. The man is wrong so often I can't believe a word out of his mouth.


- Flip flops...expensive but still flip flops.
- Very old holey faded blue denim short-sleeved shirt with the paint of 100 murals.
- Stretchy T-shirt material shorts with a waistband so loose that they periodically drop to my ankles. I can now deftly lift them up with the heel of one foot so I can pull them up without bending over.

All very comfortable as is my preference.


Unknown said...

People who are Anti-Mask and Anti Social distancing are the same as Conscientious objectors during wartime on a different scale. They do NOTHING but add to the anxiety and disorder that makes the whole situation that much harder to deal with. These anti-mask and anti social distance advocates have very limited emotional intelligence and are usually the first to go and steal a Big T.V when the shit hits the fan. I currently share a house with such an individual (My Brother) and His actions over the years and the amount of Grief he's caused from his paranoia and inability to rationalise has led me to come close to fist fights. I am however not fighting a war, i'm just fighting a moronic attitude. He's also a "We never went to the moon" Retard. I'm glad that all I have to deal with in these times is just an idiot for a brother and NOT a megalomaniac dictator in charge of an immense army....OR, am I? I HATE wearing a mask but it's NOTHING compared to what people face during warfare, Famine, oppression, dictatorship, racism. I wear my mask knowing I must STILL keep my distance and also put My Shopping cart (trolley, we call, em!) back after use. We might be facing this planet's wrath for our actions. I only hope it finishes every human off with minimal damage to it's normal service! hahaha :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for some "wow" moments and also brightening my day and making me laugh.

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