About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, September 14, 2020

MONDAY #4282

One Of My Very Own


NOTE: I hate to admit it but this is not one of my better posts. I looked all over but there were very very few quality items anywhere. I just kept adding images trying to make it work but...alas.


How very long must this take to learn?
 And he uses that talent to copy a photograph of a pop star. 




AIM 9 Sidewinder Lamp


 Immitation is the sincerest form of flatery.

After seeing that bed I went to look at the two antique beds in my house. Mine do not rank with the one above but they are still treats to the eyes every single night.
How about your bed. Do you appreciate its beauty every night? If not, give it some thought.



If that's a Banksy they destroyed artwork worth millions of dollars. 

Image just stumbling upon that in the forest.

Barbie baked bread before becoming bamboozled by bearded beavers.


Makes me sad. A guy just trying to make a living while having to endure this sort of environment.
Sound on:


Child on inflatable unicorn far from shore rescued by boat.
I bet the parents had already concluded that she had drowned. 

 Emma Aldenryd, 18, is known as the "human Etch A Sketch." She has dermatographia, a medical condition that makes the skin very sensitive to the touch. By using a pencil as a stylus, she can make temporary, artistic marks on her body.


Not even a safety rope.

Irony or stupidity?

Note finger marks. 


Girlfriend: Are you cheating on me?
Me: You sound like my wife.


Back when everybody pitched in and did their part. 

I explained to my wife that two actions were required - putting the seat up and putting the seat down. And why should I be expected to perform BOTH actions?
It worked! 




Just about everyone who thinks that way did not go to college. You don't go to college to learn a job skill but rather to learn how to think.

All things Ralph...








I officially know too much trivia. My wife just told me cream of mushroom soup was introduced in 1934, and now I can’t remember her birthday.




Did you notice that the boat veered over into the oncoming lane? Also I think he poked that passenger with his stick.

I hate the way they allow penalty shots to be taken what with the stutter steps and shit. I think they should be allowed three uninterrupted steps and otherwise call a balk.

I guess the redshirts are superviors.

What a great movie.  


I wonder why they don't just roll the mixer closer to the pile of gravel - it's on wheels. 

Think of the first person to crack this ugly bastard open and eat the inerds. Bravo old boy!  

Guy made an indoor spice garden.
Either a grow light or a skylight above. 

I wonder if he ever lived to regret that. 


Wife: I’m worried about you.
Me: *pouring tequila over cereal* Why?





















1 comment:

Kranky Old Guy said...

Puzzle Time:
1. The Spoon
2. All the Kings Horses and all the Kings Men.
3. Snoring
4. The Cow
5. Her Sheep
6. Cry
7. ?
8. A Peck of Pickled Peppers
9. Jack
10. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
11. A Spider
12. ?
13. A Diamond Ring (?)
14. The Sun
15. ?
16. ?
17. ?
18 His Wife (?)
19 Their Mittens
20. A pony
21. To Get Her Poor Dog a Bone
(Rev. Old mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to get her dog Rover a
Bone, When she bent over Rover drove her, 'cause Rover had a Bone of
his own.)
22. ?
23. One O'clock
24. The butcher, the baker, the candle-stick maker.
25. ?

That's the best I could do without looking up answers on the inner-tubes. -
Also - I'm 80 yo.

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