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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020



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Darwin Award Candidate
And he just doesn't give a fuck.

And don't you dare say there wasn't anything he could have done about it. Almost every country on Earth has done something about it and now they are opening up without one citizen dying every fucking minute.


I didn't write that. This guy did...


 We can't afford to let the stupid people have their way with Global Warming the way they did by ignoring Covid mitigation measures.

 Because it was noting fires in the US you fucking moron.

And remember, the same man who told you that covid was a hoax is telling you that climate change is a hoax. Don't fall for it again. You are smarter than that.


When a yet another covidiot tries to tell the clerk why the mask ordinance is against the constitution...


Yeah, there’s a freaking Tiger running around Knoxville, TN.
 And no zoo is missing one.

Here's another one somewhere else!
I'm thinking that's a 2 lasso job.


The day the world changed...

The great 9/11 boat lift
 I had never heard of this extraordinary effort.

"Socialism" is the go-to scare word of the right. But you know and I know that Biden has no intention of making private property illegal or nationalizing all industry. Biden would like for the government to one day provide healthcare to its citizens. And for reasons I can not fathom, some people think that's an awful idea. And I'll bet you money the people who think it a bad idea have health insurance.




Anonymous said...

Yup, climate change is real but it is not man made. It has been happening since the earth was formed and will continue to happen no matter what scam you think will stop it. Mama Nature will do as she will do and Con Artists will try to profit off it as always.

Ralph Henry said...

The same thing was said about our concern for the hole in the o-zone. We identified the culprit, banned that chemical, and now the o-zone is healthy. Nobody profited off of it. It was a problem found by real science and solved by governments around the world.
And as far as this just being a natural cycle - you have ignored ALL the scientific evidence at your disposal.
I weep for the future.

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