About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, September 12, 2020


One Of My Very Own



We humans find so very many things humorous. I'm a fan of the absurd. You may like witty language. I find people doing things incredibly foolishly dangerous hilarious. Unusual animal behavior can even be considered hysterical. And let's not forget the risibleness of Schadenfreude.
This entire post is sated with various images meant to solicit a smile from people whom I have never met...mostly.
Have I been clear?
Okay, let us begin in no discernable order whatsoever.




I thought it was a dog chasing a bird.

I've got a thing for runaway tires...
But what I found most unusual is the much too long footage of the smoldering tire. 

With friends like this...

Advanced tantrum-throwing...


Save some pussy for the rest of us, . 




♫ Hello, Darkness my old friend...♫
Not exactly catlike reflexes. 
And who eats a goddamn hotdog with a fucking fork?




Don't do drugs, kids...

I find conformity like that hilarious. 







Get it? 







 I think Professional means one-ply cheap shit.

"Leave it on."



Article about a Swedish family having offline and “screen-free” Sundays.




Imagine scientists of the future explaining these fossilized footprints...


[verification needed] 



When you're visiting family over the holidays and your cute cousin asks if you want to sleep in her room like last time.


How long is the average career of a barefoot bowling ball soccer player?




















 Rule #39 Adherent



Anonymous said...

Solution: Must be white privilege blanking all else out

Wrekreation said...

#17 gets my vote for the best. The next best would be #50.

Thanks!! Nice change up

SON of REEP said...

#13. That’s a moron that eats a hot dog with ketchup !

RON said...

A little offensive.

Anonymous said...

#13 The same moron that it’s a hot dog with ketchup !

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: Polar Bear in a blizzard.

Ralph Henry said...

Ron, so very close.

RON said...

...from the far right.

Ralph Henry said...

I hardly ever intervene but the answer is:
That's downright offensive.

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