About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, September 26, 2020






American "Peace" Officer



For the truth about COVID-19, visit cdc.gov.


You are going to be bombarded by shit like that right up to the election. Here's the truth:
That is the kind of disinformation that Russia has thousands of people working on right now. Don't believe anything on the internet without looking it up...including this blog.
I try very hard to cite sources but it's not always possible.
The above was rather easy:

If you ever find an error here at Folio Olio please let me know. 



I'll bet even money he was a no-masker.

Am I saying that no-maskers are all stupid? Yes. Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. So, go ahead and leave a comment and prove it.


The man who said this...
Now says this...

Anyone who doubts the legitimacy of science falls into the same group as these people.
















Biden and the Trump supporters

Can you imagine Trump doing such a thing?

[verification needed]








This proves that Republicans are a cult culture.
But you may need more proof. So here it is:
He actually believed Trump's claims concerning masks.

Want to take a more direct hand in the election? Consider volunteering at a voting center. They are going to be desperate for more workers to help process and count the flood of mail-in ballots as well as help reduce the super long lines. Look up the rules for your particular state and see if there are some voting centers nearby that could use your help.


D'Ascoyne said...

Please check your facts about Breona Taylor.
1.) According to the neighbor who was on the stairs and closest witness the police did announce themselves.
2.) The boyfriend in the apartment even said the police knocked on the door which is why he came to the door with his gun in hand.
3.) Breona Taylor was not some bystander. She was a 'person of interest' because she was dating drug dealer, Jamarcus Glover. Once she lent a rental car to him that happened to have a dead body in it.
4.) Sure, her association doesn't mean she is necessarily involved, but a warrant doesn't need to prove guilt but only probable cause.
5.) When the police entered the gunfight began with Kenneth Walker firing the first shot.
6.) Breona Taylor was in the hallway with Walker who was shooting at the cops. She was not asleep in bed.

Ralph Henry said...

And if the exact same thing happened to your granddaughter you would be cool with it?

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