About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 28, 2020

MONDAY #4387

One Of My Very Own








After Puzzle Time


If the government doesn't save the millions of us who are starving and soon to be homeless then it's time to...what? What the fuck can we do? Vote the bums out? That will just bring in another bunch of bought-off bastards who don't give a shit about us.

All Americans have to do is look north of the border.  Canada manages to insure everyone and spends roughly half as much per capita as the US does. As it stands now, Americans pay for their own healthcare PLUS the billions in profits and operating costs of the insurance industry.


I once had a partner in the mural business. His family asked him what I was like and he put it this way: "He's always thinking." 
I took that as a great compliment.
I loved the university and did quite well.
That is not my real transcript, but I did get a 4.0. 
One of the truest things I've ever read was that education is never over. I thirst for knowledge every day.

Every particle in the universe — from a cosmic ray to a quark — is either a fermion or a boson. These categories divide the building blocks of nature into two distinct kingdoms. Now researchers have discovered the first examples of a third particle kingdom - anyons.


Here's what happens when you reject science.

And yet after 400K deaths which is more than anywhere else in the world - we have this:

What would it take to convince those people that Trump mishandled this pandemic worse than any leader on Earth?
Many months ago I once asked my readers what you, personally, would consider failure. 400K deaths? A half a million? I stated that with 4% of the world's population I would consider anything over 4% of the world's deaths a failure.
I find it most disturbing that this obscene number of dead Americans doesn't seem to bother most Americans.

When this is all over I will be asking a whole bunch of questions and if you acted irresponsibly during this time of crisis I will judge you most harshly.


A wonderful illustration of the power of social distancing.


Do you still think that the game is not fixed?



I'm not a big fan of Hillary but she nailed this pre-election prediction.

"It’s rigged!! All of it!!"


I want all Americans to have healthcare. I want college to once again be affordable. I want no American to go to bed hungry.
And I'm the bad guy in many an argument.

My diatribes against Trump were not motivated by hate or party affiliation. I don't care which party is in the White House. I was motivated by fear of what Trump was doing to our country. I watched the bodies piling up and knew he just didn't give a shit. He told us not to wear masks - the same masks that are our greatest weapon to fight the virus. He held huge assemblies of closely packed maskless supporters. He declared the pandemic a hoax. 


While rebooting, my cable box displayed this:

"Your TV will be right with you." I find that awkward since it's sitting right where I left it.



"Piston Needs Special Attention."



Hey, that's my signature move!


Can you discern the humor?

Here's a hint:


Periodically you just have to air that thing out.



With sound: CLICK HERE
Of course, it's fake but it's faked very well.

That made me smile.


What if I told you that outdoor dining inside an enclosed tent is basically the same as indoor dining?



How to know you live in a bad neighborhood.


A very strange apartment design...


Nerves of steel. Ice cold...


"If it can throw a basketball it can throw a hand grenade."

- Army General probably


How could you not love that dog?

Altocumulus cloud cover


I think it would be much better if they were made out of normal brick and mortar. And what's up with that ugly ass base?


Cannabis Field In The Middle of a Cornfield.



This is a photo of the Sphinx in the late 1800s. It was taken from a hot air balloon and it was still covered by sand.


Notice how different beasts have different strategies. Some wait patiently while others rush the truck.

And here some ducklings swim and others climb aboard the boat.

Imagine the stories that have been told around those fire hearths. 


In 1972, as part of the Apollo 16 mission to the moon, astronaut Charles Duke left a photo of himself, his wife, and his two sons which was enclosed in plastic on the moon’s surface. He took a picture. That photo remains on the moon’s surface today.

"On Earth, a cloth flag flown in bright sunlight for many years will eventually fade. So it is likely that these symbols of American achievement have been rendered blank, bleached white by the UV radiation of unfiltered sunlight on the lunar surface."
I'm thinking the same is true for that photo.

Do you know what this is?
That's the Hawaiian flag. I'm not really sure why even though I did a cursory search. I found it interesting that Google self-filled exactly what I wanted:



Movie Idea: A stone tablet engraved with mysterious alien symbols is found and there's an international adventure to decipher its meaning only to learn it's just an alien "Live, Love, Laugh" wall decoration.



I'm thinking it's a young bull who just doesn't know better.
One deft move and the lion ducks under the horns and goes for the throat.




How the hell could it fit inside the shell?

Well played, sir




It was stated that had this been a Grizzly you would be dead, but black bears are very skittish and will flee at a sudden movement or loud noise. I'm assuming that is true unless it is very hungry


Road Chef

His weapon of choice is a rolling pin!








Diving Hazards








And he thinks that is an evil concept.


Anonymous said...

1. KEY
7. TRY
1. KID
5. SLY

David said...

Regarding Dave Ramsey. Its not that he doesn't believe in the science its that he rejects the notion that covid is anything different than the flu. He's latched onto the survival rate (98%?) And compares this pandemic to the flu.
I believe people are talking the wrong viewpoints to people like this. Deniers have been given to gift of not having to defend their positions, whereas all we have is science (fake news!) To convince them

Dr. WeTodd said...

First of all Fuck Trump, I've been following your blog daily for years but this and you're right about most shit. Post your humor and absurdities and stay out of politics. Love you man, I really do respect your judgments. It's hard to get past this polarizing moment. Let's live and let live, no matter the context.

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