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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 One Of My Very Own





A site I visit scoffed that COVID deaths are "only 1/10th of one percent" of the US population. 

Here what that means:

1 out of every 1,000 people living in the US has died of COVID19 – residents, not just among cases.

330,000 are just diagnosed with COVID deaths. The US has accumulated now *420,000 excess deaths* compared to an average of many prior years. 

Please stay safe.





My mother once told me that she believed in ghosts. I asked how she knew and she said that a couple of nights after her father died she felt him sit on her bed. I asked what he looked like and she said she was too afraid to open her eyes. I knew that was bullshit. I was ten years old.
Then many years later a very dear friend told me that she knew prayer worked because she once prayed for her aunt with cancer and days later it went away. I asked if she had ever heard of spontaneous remission. She hadn't.


Once you see Cookie Monster you can't unsee it.

I notice stuff like that constantly.


If you drink or smoke while pregnant I will surely judge you as an ex-friend.

A viewer sent me this "All things Ralph".
Thank you.

I have never understood why we all use straws in restaurants but not at home.

Ridding myself of racism is one of my nobler accomplishments.

I never did consider marital infidelity that big of a deal for husband or wife.

You must train your dog!
My most trusted advisor had a huge Biard.
(this is not her)

When sitting in a chair the standing dog and I was eye to eye. It wasn't allowed in the kitchen and would lay in the hall with only its paws trespassing the threshold. Cute that.


Johnny Cash leaving Folsom Prison.

That's the kind of lies I would tell my daughters on a daily basis. Once my daughter believed someone she shouldn't have and I told her I had been honing her "crap detector" since birth. She said that the result was that she doesn't believe anything I say but trusted other people.

I'm assuming hydrogen-powered.

Americans may seem stupid but we are not so stupid as to think the horns of these magnificent beasts have medicinal value.

Why is it that males are expected to pee standing up? Oh, I get it on the side of the road or in the forest, but we stand while peeing in a porcelain chair!

Here’s the McRib patty before being cooked.

I once hung out with a visiting McDonalds food scientist from Ireland. He assured me that I DID NOT want to know what those things were made of.

Okay, I'm 4 out of 5. I don't pick up anything anymore...cause of the back, you know.

I often mention being a tree planter as a way to encourage you to do so also.


It looks like you are trying to defend Trump. Would you like to turn on Caps Lock and disable spell check?



Want to know why? Here's a hint:

You can't bring this country together with vendettas.

I have mixed feelings about that.

Corporate America keeps pushing the people and I'm here to tell them that there is a limit that they don't want to reach.


I read an article about why so many Americans don't heed the advice of scientists. It was not that they didn't believe the accuracy but rather they didn't believe the scientists shared their values.
I lost the link to that article and this is the close I could get.

I know a pharmacy professor who has been warning about this for decades.

America has a lot of work to do.

I scored 5 out of 9. How did you do?

The human ear has never been asked to work so hard.



I'm starting to think that the only person Trump ever hired who knew what they were doing was Stormy Daniels.





"ASLEEP"!?!? Don't you think she could feel her not breathing?! 


More proof of global warming?

The perfect implosion of a former Holiday Inn building in Rosslyn, Virginia

Dropped it right in its own footprint. Amazing.


Carrie Fisher in the slave costume


Your groceries have been delivered.

That is the kind of shit that happens when you don't tip enough.


A landlord finds out what his tenant spent his lottery winnings on...


Look at you! Being kind of awake and stuff. You are reading words and probably aren't even stabbing anyone right now! You deserve a coffee, you magnificent little sunbeam!



Very effective illusion.

I'm assuming that is its feeding station.

Just her leaning over that rail was scary enough for me.


I think that's a typo. A newspaper once printed that my mural would require 400,000 gallons of paint instead of 400.


Fucking with the new guy.
Might have to open it in a new tab.

"Damn, daddy, you get so grumpy when you're hungry."

Who would pound down instead of using wide sweeps?

Count the mistakes.


A montage of rectum tensors.






A whole religion based on someone adding oil to a lamp without telling anyone.



I wonder how many times she farts doing that. Often I'd bet.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The 6 and 9 under the 5 can be interchanged, as well as the 2 and 7 under the 0, so that would make at least 4 working solutions.

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