One Of My Very Own
NOTE: I'm asked why I post political opinions if it results in my losing so many viewers. Well, we are in the middle of a pandemic, and Americans JUST...DON'T...GET...IT. I would never forgive myself if I didn't at least try to convince you to do anything and everything you can to combat this scourge.
And I lay the fault for our dismal response to covid squarely at the feet of Donald Trump. I predict (and I think you agree with me...even secretly) that history will portray this president in less than glowing terms.
I have opined several times just how important a college education really is. I was always countered by how much money a plumber, etc make. But that misses the whole point.
Do you really want to top out with 18-year-old reasoning and critical thinking skills? Have you talked to a teenager lately?
I know there are self-made men and women but you don't really hone thinking skills by reading a few articles.
I am of the opinion that Donald Trump played gullible people like a puppet master.
Now Americans are dying of covid at a rate that makes the world pity the once great America. We are losing more people in one day than many countries have lost in total since March.
And why? Stupid people actually believed Trump when he said covid was a hoax and that masks were for sissy liberals.
But I have been proven wrong over and over again.
And many Americans cherish and celebrate their ignorance. They join clubs of like-minded idiots and take confirmation bias to staggering heights.
They seem to take special delight in proudly proclaiming that they know better than the expert scientists.
Americans' Thanksgiving behavior was the last straw for me. I have given up on average Americans doing anything that I can be proud of.
I don't like using individuals to make my points because I'm sure we can also find a scientist saying something stupid. But this lady's parroting of Trump's bullshit makes a larger point.
Not all of us are so dumb that we tow a party line like it was a religion. I am a proud independent. I realized that neither party has all the answers all the time.
But that also means that I am free to criticize whoever errs. Party people have a hard time criticizing one of their own and I think that is dangerous.
Back to the pandemic.
And it's like Americans learn nothing from the past.
I do this all the time.
A roofer pulled up in my driveway last week and when he got out of his truck he wasn't wearing a masked. I was horrified, but he immediately reached in to retrieve and don the mask from his seat.
I can almost forgive young people for their irresponsible behavior. Even I was young once and I know how strong the mating urge is. The pandemic didn't stand a chance against getting fucked regularly.
I wondered how the non-whoring anti-mask people explained the 400,000 dead Americans and found out they simply don't believe the numbers.
That's right, they think the whole fucking world is in a vast conspiracy to fool them. Pity that.
Millions still think the election was stolen. When asked to prove it they come up woefully short. And after being laughed out of dozens and dozens of courts at every level they now think the courts are in on the vast conspiracy to steal the election from Trump.
Imagine, thousands of state officials of both parties, all those courts, and recount after recount - and many people think all those officials are lying and the only one telling the truth is Trump...the same Trump who is making 10s of millions of dollars from his stop the steal scam.
So, let's look at what compassionate governance looks like:
I predicted this weeks ago:
Baby formula! Would you steal baby formula if your son or daughter was hungry? Of course, you would.
I am of the opinion that young people have been fucked out of their future.
This generation has no hope of having a better life than their parents had.
That is no longer an exaggeration.
Me: Did I waste my life posting my blog entries?
My wife: Millions of fans have seen your blog. You wasted their lives as well.
Plots and plot holes.
It is very hard to think of new, unused plots. I think this guy nailed it.
This is a reminder that the Swedish Armed Forces once told every homophobe and fascist to go fuck themselves.
Photoshop has ruined so much for me. I don't even know for sure if that is manipulated, but I still have to weigh the possibility every time.
All I’m saying is the drugs 1970s Sears designers had must have been fun.
I wonder how rare this is.
Well, we've found the girl whose daddy has a welder.
Some old-world craftsmanship from Slovenia
So very wonderful.
There are people who keep bats as pets.
I find the handguard interesting.
His life and the life of his crew depends on him doing his job perfectly...every time.
Enhydro Agate is a rock, and inside it is just water that has been trapped for millions of years.
Would it still have bacteria and such in it?

Clearing a traffic jam.
I some cities that will get you a huge fine.
Imagine being a girl and having to keep an extra pair of panties in your car in case some guy revs his motorcycle at a stoplight.
It won't wash off!
This guy should never be allowed near children ever again.
That made me a little sick. I've spent most of my life protecting children and that goes against everything I believe in.
Yeah, it's all giggles and farts until your toddler is playing in the backyard.
I would have thought there would be a fire suppression system.
One slip up and he wouldn't have cleared the rocks.
I don't take chances like that...unless I'm getting paid...a lot.
There are times when caution should be advised.
That's why you always need a ground man.
This illustrates people who went home for large family Thanksgiving gatherings then returned home to spread their mischief to everyone they come in contact...
Well, that's one way to do it.
Speaking of ice hazards...
(two in case one doesn't load)^^C12^^
This does not belong in this section but it is a huge file that I placed last to give it as much time to load as possible.
I really like it.
Puzzle time:
16 and 36 now.
20 and 40 in 4 years.
It's interesting how you believe going to college makes critical thinkers. There are multiple people out there with degrees who don't have any common sense or can't think for themselves . There are also many very logical people without degrees. I still catch your blog every now and then, and you never cease to prove your bias on something every time I read it. Since you enjoy labeling people, for you, I would go with angry old hypocrite.
Dear Anon,
Do you think Donald Trump did a great job dealing with the pandemic?
Half of Americans do believe that. These people have no critical thinking skills. They don't understand science so they reject it. That's my point.
And I am not motivated by hatred. I am motivated by fear of what that man might do next.
Love you! As a Mensa, I'd just like us all to think beyond the symptoms of today. Why do we have an income divide? Why are we so racist? The government is the most racist company out there. You must first fit a skin color or other "demographic", then see if you're qualified. As a government worker, I can tell you the qualification level is minimum. I ask people that fit a specific skin color, if they feel bad that they may have taken a job away from someone more qualified that has a white skin color? Is this progress or regresses?
My quick thought, the government of the United States of America is the most racist company on Earth.
They condone associations, months, caucuses, hiring goals, etc. Each of these discriminates against another.
Why not do away with all? Apply color blindness to all policy?
Oh no! That would not work as being colorblind would not "fix" the racist issues? Really?????
In Atlanta, the only racists I know are darker skin toned, ignorant, dependent bigots, blaming "white privilege" on all their problems, while sitting on their asses or burning down their neighborhood.
At a drive through, I've been yelled out from a Black Woman as being a "Cracker,"....repetitively for seceived insult of cutting in the line! Of course, that's wasn't the case. Image if I were to yell "nigger" at her in the same situation?
I'd be on the news... but not her.' done. Sorry children but you have to take care of these racist
Not to interfere with History facts or anything, but Blacks have been enslaving Blacks for long before (and even today) that American ancestors that Ive never met, or were in Am!erica, had anything to do with it. I don't OWE ANYTHING for being of a white skin color! GET OVER IT!!!
You got it right. Worry more about the quality of your readers and less about the quantity.
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