About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

SUNDAY #4365

 One Of My Very Own<>

You are running out of time. Send me your predictions today!






The #2 man at NASA called my #1 advisor to tell her that her satellite has been fully funded. This is the satellite that will park in a spot where the sun's and the Earth's gravity are equal - so to speak. And it will sit there...forever.

I couldn't be prouder.

Her husband had two of his smaller satellites approved...in case you are wondering about my grandson's genes.

I also pitched my idea to sell panels of the Arecibo Antenna to raise money and she loved the idea and plans to pass the idea up to the powers that be. 

I would like to buy the first one.






"Find you someone "WHO"..."









Working on murals in the summer when it would get 107 degrees by noon, I would get on site at 4:30am and by the time I positioned the equipment and laid out the paints it would be first light and I could start painting. But I was always amazed at the other drivers on the road.
I also felt like a fool stopping at a red light without a car in sight in any direction. But I stopped and laughed at the absurdity.


If you try to sing it there is a problem with 5. Too many syllables. Feet apart would fit there perfectly.





It's not a blanket. It's a quarantine cape.



That is wonderful.
Someone said it would be top-heavy, but it's only a hollow fiberglass shell.

I need one of those.



I'm assuming Iceland.

Baffle balls

Inserted inside tanks of liquid being transported to damp down motion of the liquid. 


Wat Samphran, or The Dragon Temple, is a little-known cylindrical specter residing in the Nakhon Pathom district of Thailand.

It is said to have been built in 5 years.



If you can't immediately identify how bad his grip is...DON'T BUY AN AUTOMATIC!

Well, I get sexually aroused watching other people fall down the stairs.

The Dragon´s Eye Stone Mine, Lancashire, UK


I posted this weeks ago and stated that I didn't understand it.
Well, here's why the sign is necessary...

There's a lot I don't understand about those pipes. I don't even know if it's for tobacco or something else.




Not to brag, but...


I'm at the age where my train of thought often leaves the station without me.





Okay, he may be like some of us.


Running with the pheasants... 

Slumming with the peasants...

He is one singularly unattractive man...

Some fish were crowded right out of the water.

Obama told this 90-year old vet he didn't have to stand. He replied, "No Sir, you're the President."





I think it's painted on his face.

How quickly the turn tables.

He must have honked the horn...something no man could resist.

That guy looks like he paused his game to reflect on the decisions that caused his catastrophe, then resumed the game.



I'm not sure what they did wrong. The lift arms are spread out against both front and rear wheels.

Let's count the absurdities in this clip...
And one that may not be so obvious - who's doing the filming?
A guy standing waist-deep in the water probably.

75 yr old man rescues pup from an alligator's mouth!

I bet that dog never goes near the water's edge again.







That will be a very interesting "How my father died" essay.


"Back it up, girl."


This is rather unusual. These two cups came out of the dishwasher stuck in this position with nary a wiggle. How did he separate them without damaging them?


RON B said...

Place ice in the upper cup while placing both cups in enough hot water to heat the lower cup. Ice will shrink the green cup while expanding the blue cup.

Inchworm said...

submerged them in hot water and waited for the slightly different rates of thermal expansion?

Anonymous said...

I recall going to work on a Sunday morning at 5:30am. Got to a red light. Stopped like I should... waited. and waited. Absolutely no cars anywhere. I went ahead and treated the red light like a stop sign and pulled through. Cops pulled me over immediately and gave me a ticket.

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