About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

SUNDAY #4379

One Of My Very Own 

Upon reflection, I think that would be funnier if he had said: "Well, sis, finally two from the same father."






They need a uber-observant guy like me to look around before it goes public. I would have noticed that instantly.

Don't laugh. If you yourself pray for friends and relatives to get better and expect it to actually work then you are no less delusional than he is.

I find that fucking hilarious!

Twice in one week I threw my after lunch napkin in the sink and poured my remaining drink in the garbage.


That took me much too long.


Woof woof!



I enjoyed that.

Young Dylan Roof?






Too soon?

When the edibles kick in.


Dot Hog: Thinking outside the box...

I used to do shit like that all the time just to fuck with my kids.

No, Woe-door


A dung beetle walks into a bar and says 'Is this stool taken'?



[verification needed]


And that is why I want a whole bunch of fun masks out there.

But maybe not this fun...


Almost everyone is a centrist. We just differ on where to draw the line.




I once stated that the height of buildings should NOT include spires or antennas on the top. It should stop at the highest floor of occupancy.
The same goes for statues. The base SHOULD NOT be included.

We have all had workers like this on our team...

Then there are people who are or act like they do not understand the consequences of their actions. In this case, it is breaking a cardinal biker rule: Dress for the slide not the ride.

And those two types of people have been asked to wear a mask to protect their friends and neighbors with less than stellar results.

Hey, Billy, then stay the fuck at home you fucking plague rat!

You don't know what's in a McNugget or Robitussin either, Sparky.




I can remember a day or two all impairments were lumped under the being "Special" label and children began calling a friend who did something stupid Special.
Then to stop the stigma of grade shaming my school switched from A, B, C's to 1,2,3s, and after the issuance of the very first such report card students would shout in glee that they got "All 1s!"
I predict that Special will be replaced within two years.



You never realize how many people you just don't like until you try to name a baby.



I found that mesmerizing.

Stalactite cave in the town of Alghero on the island of Sardinia, Italy.






Changing Teeth on The Blades


Can you explain this behavior?



[verification needed]


That would be great for secret compartments.

Have you ever seen a shark sneeze?

To hear a shark sneeze: CLICK HERE


Think of all the large mammals that humans ride. But we still don't ride zebras.

A small plane makes an emergency landing on a Minnesota highway, hitting a vehicle but avoiding injury.

That must be terrifying for all concerned.

Iraqi-Swedish-Israeli-American musician, NASA astronaut, marine biologist, deep-sea expert, anesthesiologist, Harvard professor, extreme environments physiologist, and all-round badass Dr. Jessica Ulricke Meir on the International Space Station.


That is one of the few rivet setters that I don't own.

Praying Mantis eats Murder Hornet

And with extreme prejudice.

Monkey see monkey do...

Try opening that in a new tab. This is a test.



How to liven up your marriage.
There are dozens of such pranks online.

That guy looks very much like Brett Favre.


The Bible is full of plot holes and nobody questions them. Like Noah not only getting two kangaroos from Australia but putting them back after the flood was over.





That was much too easy. Try this one.
More than one correct answer.
BTW: Puzzles like that are a big part of IQ tests. They do not rely on reading mastery and thus can be used universally.


Steve said...

Puzzle: C, I, J
Anything with red can be excluded immediately.

Anonymous said...

One of My Very Own at the top of the page - kind of creepy to refer to her as Sis when they are sharing a bathtub. But hey, if it works for them. :^)

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