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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 21, 2020

MONDAY #4380

One Of My Very Own






After Puzzle Time


I keep Folio Olio 10 days to two weeks ahead in case I break my hip or have to have another organ removed therefore there is no interruption in your viewing. But from time to time there are items that can not wait for the normal rotation. 

This is such an item:





And I don't know if this is a pro or con cartoon...

Workers Around the Globe are Rising Up As Governments and Big Business Turn Their Backs on Them During Covid.

Bangladesh Amazon workers.

France vs Macron's anti-journalist law.

Why? Well...
I'm not sure I understand all there is to know about that.

At least he tried.

Imagine having the ability to do this all along and choosing not to while people died.



The Faroe Islands are set to open an under-sea roundabout following more than three years of construction.

Doesn't look "under-sea" to me.

Those divers cut the net from the whale.
I once came upon a net-like that on a beach and cut the floats off and placed them in a box.
And remember, giving each a number seems to make them special.

Can you deduce the good deed done this day?








Bus driver blocks traffic so an ambulance can get through.


I am overjoyed that weed may well be decriminalized.
There were so very many ruined lives.




We have been in lockdown so long that my wife's pallor clashes with the couch.



Fuck the Pope. Had anyone else simply moved pedophile employees to another job site they would surely be jailed.


It's a universal phenomenon.

Texas high school football player charged with assault after he tackles ref that ejected him from game

There is bad sportsmanship, and then there is criminal behavior. An assault charge against a high school football player for tackling a referee is now the latter.





I know that not a real airplane but it reminds me of my friend who is a high ranking NCO in the National Guard. His unit was deployed to Kosovo and at one point my friend's commanding officer came into my friend's tent to demand they find the alcohol that had been smuggled onto the base. The CO sat on a wooden crate that contained gallons of liquor. 
From another soldier, I was told their favorite hiding place for bottles of liquor was down the barrels of the tanks.

I did that exact same thing one time. Having the tiny Vietnamese woman owner scream at me (in Vietnamese) made it even more embarrassing.

I wonder why they cropped it.

How NOT To Set A Car On Fire


Dance like no-one could get a broken jaw...



Really? I'm white and anti-racist. Explain that, Sparky.


And not wearing a mask has made it so very much worst.


Always keep the kerosene lamp away from the milk cow's leg.

- Mrs. O'Leary probably



That works about one in a thousand times.

The venerable Tupolev Tu-95 'Bear' bomber was intercepted many times by multiple generations of western military aircraft.

While there are plenty of pictures of the Bear getting intercepted from the western side, pictures from the Russian side were very rare. Here are a few of them taken from Tu-95RT "Bear-D" (reconnaissance version) of the 392 ODRAP (long-range reconnaissance aviation regiment) based at Kiplevo. Thanks to Dmitriy Ermolin and the Facebook page dedicated to the Kipelovo airbase he administers, we can see the NATO interceptors dispatched to identify and escort the Soviet Bear-D aircraft during their long-range missions as seen from the fuselage of the Bears.

The 1950s picture shows the airplane in my squadron - the F-102. It was the first interceptor that could fly at Mach 1. That speed necessary to attach incoming bombers far from our shores.
It's the plane that carried air-to-air nukes to blow hundreds of planes out of the air with one shot.

What did they call electric eels before electricity was discovered?


Decades ago I read about a plan to have a car to car communication so dozens of vehicles could form a line on the interstate with only a foot or two between them. But if any car applied their brakes then every other car in that line would also apply their instantaneous.

Here's a sample page:

The Jastrow illusion

The Jastrow illusion is an optical illusion attributed to the Polish-American psychologist Joseph Jastrow. In the video, the two toy railway tracks are identical, although the lower one appears to be larger.

The oldest reference to this illusion can be found in The World of Wonders, an 1873 book about curiosities of nature, science, and art.

There are several competing explanations of why the brain perceives the difference in size between the ring segments. The most commonly used explanation is that the brain is confused by the difference in size between the large and the small radius. The short side makes the long side appear longer, and the long side makes the short side appear even shorter.


Oh, hell no.

If 2020 was a Christmas tree...


An impact screwdriver has interchangeable bits, forward and reverse, and rotates a small amount when struck as shown. This mechanism allows removal without stripping the head.


Trash panda rescue

In case that doesn't open:














You really need to hear all of this:
Don't be the last to die. Keep up your mediation protocols for a bit longer.

For me that was impeachable.
How the turn tables.


Wear that mask just a little longer.


Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: 6 +3 = 9
There is a formula for this, but since we are dealing with i=7 it's easier to just step through it.

Henry's number is even since he rescued twice as many as Dean.

2+1 is not a square
4+2 is not a square
6+3 is a square.

Anonymous said...

puzzle time..Dean rescued 3,and Harry rescued 6.

Steve said...

Puzzle: 9 total cats
Dean =3 cats
Henry=6 cats

Maximum cats is 14 (1 cat/day/fireman for 7 days). Only square numbers less than or equal to 14 are 1, 4 and 9. Number must be divisible by 3 to allow valid values for Dean(x) and Henry (2x).

Anonymous said...

You can take any number that divisible by 3 to come up with a working solution.
Square the number, divide the answer by 3 for Dean's number, double Dean's number for Henry's number, and add them together for the squared number.

3*3=9. 9/3=3 (Dean). 3*2=6 (Henry). 3+6=9
6*6=36. 36/3=12 (Dean). 12*2=24 (Henry) 12+24=36
9*9=81. 81/3=27 (Dean). 27*2=54 (Henry) 27+54=81
99*99=9801. 9801/3=3267 (Dean). 3267*2=6534 (Henry). 3267+6534=9801.

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