One Of My Very Own
NASA Mars Helicopter Ingenuity has been successfully deployed by Perseverance Rover and is ready for the first powered flight on the surface of another world!
Would be a bummer to have been born at the end of the Fuck Around century just to live the rest of your life in the Find Out century.
Princess Diana dozing off while watching a museum performance in 1981
As I understand it she was pregnant at the time. Cut her some slack.
I read that 85% of men admitted jacking off while driving.
15% of the respondents are liars.
I'm not sure about women's masturbation stats.
How did this ginger abuse get started? Why are red-haired people vilified?
Protect whom? Most of these folks saw their first live beheading at around 12 years old. And they have been watching every kind of porn since they were 9.

Now think about porn.
You can literally find anything you desire.
And remember, I'm the guy who plays Stump Pornhub by asking for something they don't have - which is damn near impossible.
Maybe - just maybe - we should stop admitting people who have no hope of graduating.
I used to ask my 5th graders that same question.
I equate that to calling all Democrats Socialist. Calling them Socialist doesn't make them Socialists.
I once wrote a scene where the main character fell off a ladder and was taken to the hospital where the nurse asked, "Are you allergic to anything?" And he replied, "Gravity!"
The best part of being a dad.
The hat was slowing him down.
I once told another dad that that was my favorite part and he told me that his kids had never done it. I was flabbergasted.
One of the most off-putting aspects of military service was learning how to take a shit with twenty other men shitting in the same small room.
My wife when I tell her that eating a family-sized bag of Peanut M&Ms every night of the week might not be healthy.
She did that very well.
I just noticed the egg to the head during my last proofread.
I love little mind games like this...
Kilt Bill
Chitty chitty gang bang
Womb Raider
Schindler's Fist
Schindler's Lisp
Father on the Bride.
Q for Vendetta
How to Drain Your Dragon
Star Wart.
A wonderful way to get your message to the desire audience...
Satanist don't believe in a literal Satan.
Christians believe in a literal Satan.
And I find that kind of voodoo bullshit hilarious.
That's true, you know.
Can we all at least agree that all authoritarian governments are bad regardless of which end of the political spectrum they fall?
Newton's Third Law of Motion
I did not know it would do that. Or, more accurately, I probably forgot that it behaved like that.
That exactly how they depict raptors walking in dinosaur movies.
I suppose bonding is important.
I posted this a while back and somebody did the math!
I saw an ancient sling stone with CATCH engraved on it in Greek. Humans have always loved decorating our weaponry.
Then I stumbled upon this...
Blue usually means "Inert" or "training ammunition (non-firing).
At least that is how they mark missiles that are used in training only.
He almost did not make it back through the door after his suit unexpectedly inflated and stiffened, but boldly let out some of the air in his suit and forcibly squeezed back through the small entrance to safety. Welcomed back as a hero, Leonov completed man’s first spacewalk just ten weeks before the Americans.
Fishing village built on a group of islands connected by a series of bridges in Bulandet, Norway
"Books" = Scrolls
The Sumerians did it the right way. Their books were made of clay tablets. When barbarians burned down the library, the books got stronger.
Lost in Alexandria were centuries of knowledge. It took 1000 years to get some of that back. And I'm still pissed off about it.
Also, there is some doubt about whether it was the duplicate or the original that was returned.
The Crin Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus)
The Crin Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest canid in South America. His marks look like foxes, but he's not a fox or a wolf. It is the only species in the genus Chrysocyon.
A plunger with a horizontal grip.
A long overdue idea.
WWII's Tank (in a Holland Museum)
An Iridescent Python with polka dots.
How would that enhance its survivability?
Does it bother anyone else that the guy from the Operation Game was clearly awake?
Do you remember the story about the father asking his son how he liked the new teenage boy babysitter and the kid said, "We played the naked man game all afternoon!"
He was referring to Operation.
"Want to take a course in PMP, Agile, or Six Sigma or some other project management course?"
"Nah, I want to flip my little bike off a tree."
Did you notice how he aged her and the tree?
"Why are you doing that?"
"To make people smile."
I watch world champions practice that every day for a week in Porto Rico.
I never saw any of them jump an island but they did this from dawn to dusk.
"Why are you doing that?"
"I make a lot of money from endorsements."
The effects of electric muscle stimulation workouts can be.... rattling.
Yeah, she's thinking what all you women are thinking.

They. Never. Do.

Puzzle Time: 264 mph
Puzzle Time
The average speed of the helicopter is 264 mph.
In two hours the helicopter travelling at 330 mph would travel 660 miles.
To travel the same distance back at 220 mph would take three hours.
The total journey length in five hours would be: (660 * 2) = 1,320 miles.
Dividing 1,320 by 5 hours gives the average speed, which is 264 mph.
(You might have received this twice Ralph, because the login for Google threw up an error on my first attempt.)
Or.... Just divid 660 miles by 2.5. Not sure what prompted you to multiply time by anything other than "1".
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