About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

TUESDAY ##4486

 One Of My Very Own





This picture taken by NASA's new Rover showing a rainbow - on Mars - is indisputable evidence that there is at least water vapor on Mars.


18 kings and 4 queens were transferred from the iconic Egyptian Museum to the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.



I have transferred all my accouterments from my winter coat to my summer vest. I've also switched from long-sleeved shirts to short but I haven't discarded the T-shirt yet. Still have long pants.



Wife: What the fuck is this pile of clothes?

Me: I struck down a Jedi.

Wife: God I hate you.

Me: Yes, use your hate.



I agree.




Remember the Trickle Down scam?



How very, very interesting.


They are killing off their base and...They. Don't. Care.


This from a site I visit often...

That has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read. He should be embarrassed.


And our ignorance will be our undoing.


Would you expect part of the discovered loot? 

I would. Like half.


I don't think so. I want to spot the motherfuckers when they lie to me.


I don't see a collar. Maybe the woman thought it was a stray.


And yet you still shop there.





It's called Impostor Syndrome and I used to have reoccurring nightmares about it.


There is so much about this that I don't understand but it seems a bit of an overreaction.


This guy is casually feeding a fish to a wild Brown Bear.

Does anybody in the sane universe think that was a good idea?


That sumbitch swallowed a live pigeon whole!


"Rape is not about sex it's about violence."

A friend told me that in 1976 and I'll never forget it.


From a fan of Folio Olio:

I noticed over the years that You enjoy Football (Soccer). You might be amazed to learn that pretty much ALL of any Football in England has been bought out by corporations and is being sold back to us at unreasonable prices. The same has happened to almost every sport we held dear. We can't even watch Cricket on national T.V! Even the proper Darts league is in the hands of a greedy bastard from Australia. The BBC is run by subservient money-grabbers who are shitting themselves because the BBC is not gonna be a sustainable entity for much longer. The world doesn't believe that we get charged over £150 a year to even own a TV. It's draconian and tantamount to communism! 


500 drones light up Dublin skies for St.Patrick's Day

I, for one, hope those replace fireworks in all celebrations.


And when I made a full-sized version of that in the 80s I thought I invented it. It had a 20' string and barely missed the floor en route to the hook.



Whenever I miss the beginning of a movie on TV I can't help but wonder if it has been modified and formatted to fit my screen.




Kids today really do have life figured out.


And now we've learned he stole from his own campaign contributors.











He's so very tired of your shit.


[verification needed]




My wife and I used to make homemade pizza. Then we added up all the costs for all the ingredients and realized ordering one from a pizza restaurant was much cheaper.


This is a wife's instruction to the pizza restaurant...



You call yourself a professional?



Now think of the last item:


Self-flagellation is taking unusual forms in young adherents.





The kind of sex education we could have all used...


I've always been amused that the phrase "rolled back the stone" was deduced to mean the stone was circular. Think about all the stones that have rolled down a mountain and none of them were circular.



I really want to live off the grid but I also really like getting my packages in two days.




Example #1

He honked just in time.


His wife


My son-in-law can do the best "Dingos stole my baby" with an Australian accent.





I wonder how much those cost her...or her husband.




Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: 1001

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time:. 1001
Just add up the roman numerals in each drink.
M=1000. I=1

Steve said...


Answers are the sum of the Roman numerals within each drink name.
I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500, M=1000

Burgervan said...

Your supposition that just because we record a rainbow on mars means water is a certainty. Other substances in the atmosphere will create the same effect that we might say is a rainbow. It's a rainbow as we know it but it's created by different particles and creates different colours!

Anonymous said...

I suggest that any matter as we know it that achieves the speed of light, Becomes Light. how do you slow down?

Burgervan said...

A24. Everything we've held dear has been taken from us and sold to outside moneygrabbers. we used to watch the top league of football until an Australian stole it and then sold it back to us. We can't watch any top league football or cricket or even the golf cos it's been stolen by an Australian and sold back to us. Anything that makes any money is GONE from the public. Start to form a revolutional mob.

Burgervan said...

Oscar wilde was smart AFTER his observations. Even if he wasn't. he never used his mind to solve Thingy! i believe in thingy and he never solved it!

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