About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 One Of My Very Own





I do not think this jackass needs to go to jail...

Not before his hairstylist.

He looks like every door-to-door Electrolux salesman in America.




What a poor choice of words.

Oh, the nightmares.


I saw them in Alaska like that but not in the snow.


Should a toilet be that complicated? Really?


The suicidal people I've known delighted in making others laugh.


An old woman brought dozens of odd old salt and pepper shakers into my wife's store. I offered her one lump payment for the whole lot. Here are only a few of them.

When the time comes, I'm going to sell them to pay for my grandson's first 15 minutes at Harvard.


For reasons not even I understand I have become very productive lately. I think it's the onset of warmer weather.

Later: I've deduced that my productivity picked up the day I got my first covid shot. I'm not sure what that means.


And one reason they feel safe is that their governor lied about the number of covid deaths.

"Oh, they didn't die of covid, they died of pneumonia."

And some people trust him more than Fauci.


Mainly it has to do with not wearing a mask during a pandemic being equated to manliness instead of the other way round.


I really was an asshole student but I think that made me a better teacher - in a weird sort of way.


I love the look of brick.


As previously stated, I don't understand why this design flaw didn't kill them off generations ago.


A marry-your-rapist law, marry-the-rapist law, or rape-marriage law is a rule of rape law in a jurisdiction under which a man who commits rape, sexual assault, statutory rape, abduction, or other similar act is exonerated if he marries his female victim, or in some jurisdictions at least offers to marry her. The "marry-your-rapist" law is a legal way for the accused to avoid prosecution or punishment. 



There ought to be a website that you can go to just to watch movies.



"What if this is as good as it gets?"

I put that cartoon in my 'Do Not Get' file. But now I think Jack nailed it.


Back when being a good neighbor was the norm.


I often wonder how many of you get the images I post...like that one.


With the hilarious sound that only a drunk woman can make effectively: VIDEO LINK


I think she should have been told so she doesn't continue embarrassing herself.


A peanut vendor from 1890, wearing a suit made of peanuts. 

Well, of course he did.


Keanu Reeves' Stunt Double

That's amazing, but in Terminator 2 the mask of the stunt double wasn't even close.


Sigourney Weaver in the 80s

A very beautiful woman and nailed every role I've seen her in.


Nowadays you can become an international star with a feat like this...as long as it's caught on camera...and released to the world.


Speaking of escape...

Perfect timing. Wait for it...



I think I bitch the perfect amount for a 75-year-old man experiencing the fall of humankind.



The Forbidden Spaghetti

I had never heard the term. Forbidden Spaghetti is when a cable is severed.


Watch carefully...


"I wear the same size pants I did in high school."

I actually heard a man that size say that.


After much thought, I now think they are making bent pipes and the balls just make it uniformly round.



Do you think he had to put oversized motors on it?


The Vasa Ship

The Vasa ship capsized and sank in Stockholm in 1628. After over 330 years on the sea bed, the warship was salvaged and the Vasa Museum was built around the only completely intact and best-preserved 17th-century ships in existence.

The Vasa sank less than 1300 meters into its maiden voyage. 30 people died.


A math teacher's classroom


Double-decker bus stability test rig

Am I wrong in assuming that as long as over 50% of the weight is on the uphill side of the lower wheels then it shouldn't topple?


That reminded me of the time I was parallel parked next to a tree larger than that one and when I pulled out my stepladder extensions on the side of my truck caught it and brought it down.

I did not linger about to explain that to the authorities.


Spot the shill, or plant, or stooge, or compatriot, or accomplish...

The guy getting "beaten" is the same guy.

But I did find the innocent party's reactions hilarious.



Imagine how much historical knowledge wasn't written down because our ancestors thought: What idiot isn't going to know this?



Lesson #1: Fake a Kidnapping


Upon finding the bride kidnapping story I searched out other examples.

Lesson #2: Actually Kidnap

Lesson #3: Find Yourself an Actress

They are practiced in faking it.


Lesson #4: Don't Be Too Smart

Stupid girls are less demanding.


Lesson #5: Learn to Pose

Thailand implemented photo proof delivery and the Thais did their thing..


Lesson #6: Show Plenty of Cleavage


Lesson #7: Wear Revealing Clothing


Lesson #8: Learn to Make a Decent Burger

Lesson #9: Get a Cat

South African farmer is treated as a member of the pride by these rare white lions...

More frolicking with the lions here: VIDEO LINK


Lesson #10: Belly Dance

My wife wooed me with her belly dancing skills.


Lesson #12: Give Other Species a Chance

Don't knock it until you've tried it...


Lesson #13: Start a Blog

This is the normal reaction of young women when I tell them I have a blog.


Lesson #14: Clean the Fucking Garage

Lesson #15: Do This

Lesson #16: Don't be vindictive with exes or they will tell their friends the true size of your dick.











What is this?


Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: the reflection off of a finely polished car.

Anonymous said...

A5:. Hopefully he can get educated for free by then. My daughter will graduate highschool with a 5.0 out of 4 with honors, wear two academy stolls, DECA, and on and on.
She has been accepted to every University she applied to, and even received 50% tuition with room and board at many private schools.

She has decided that it just isn't worth it, and will go into a trade. It's still too expensive to justify.

Anonymous said...

B3:. Hot Lips Houlahan and Col. Potter. MASH.

Burgervan said...

A4: I've been clinically depressed for most of my life but my only refuge was making other people laugh. I can't be happy unless the people around me are happy. Dogs will make everyone happy and that's why I recommend Dogs. Ferrets are a close second but Dogs will make anybody happy!

Burgervan said...

You advocate education and yet You dismiss English education. It's Maths. Not Math. Irony is NOT a bad outcome OR a bad outcome through misunderstanding or ignorance. it's Far more intricate than that. Irony is extremely hard to explain. Instructions for this comment are available in Spanish, Swahili, afrikaans, Fiddly diddly, Humpty dumpty, Squiddly diddly, Redneck, Binary and Hieroglyphics. Jive, Cockney, semaphor, morse code, 3 knocks on the ceiling.

Fardygardy said...

the image is of a freshly washed, and perhaps waxed, car inside a carwash booth. the "UFO-like image is the door handle and passenger side mirror. the photo was taken from below the doorhandles, along the side, almost tangential top the car. the tire is also visible

Andy said...

Puzzle time
It is a picture of a black car in a garage.

Anonymous said...

shiny side of car - door handle - rear view mirror- little bit of front tire

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making my day (and making me both think and laugh).

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Shiny car?

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