About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 17, 2021

MONDAY #4527

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



That is EXACTLY how I feel when a mural client tells me they have already prepared the wall.


Note the reaction of his mate.


Several months ago I would have called this childish bullshit, but now a commend them for getting exercise and vitamin D and some fresh air.


Alcohol does the same thing.


A married friend had affair with a girl that worked in a daycare center in the basement of his apartment building. He did know this until he walked out the front door and ran into her walking toward the same door.


Every pro was once an amateur. Every expert was once a beginner. So dream big. And start now.


That's true, you know.


Speaking of...



‘Cave Syndrome’ Keeps the Vaccinated in Social Isolation. After a year away from friends and co-workers, people sometimes struggle to resume their public routines


Did you notice the crucified Christ around his neck?



A hundred years ago instead of reading this, you would’ve been lying in a feather bed hoping no one discovers the hillside where you pick wild strawberries.





Toon Gun from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Could one of you smart motherfuckers explain to me how the thread changes colors?


Texas cowboy chuckwagon camp, the early 1900s.

Arguably the most important man on the trail drive.


These balls are the same color

It's true...of course.


Want to guess what this is?








The etymology of "French letter" is unclear.  Condoms are also colloquially referred to as raincoats, rubbers, etc.  The one illustrated above is made from sheep intestine and dates to about 1800, but the Wikipedia article on the history of the condom provides documentation back to the Renaissance.

The Renaissance you say?


Gerald the sea lion frolicking in the surf...


Power like that makes my dick tingle.


Said to be a giant Crayfish...



Oh, look, thousands of bees.

Let's jiggle it!


The US ought to be embarrassed.


Gently now...

But he nailed that pallet!


Speaking of moving stones...


A Folio Olio contributor once told me there was a website of cartoons that the blogger didn't get. That gave me an idea. I'm closing this section with such items.

I don't get this one.




Why do the Carters look tiny compared to the Bidens in this photo?

At first, I thought it was taken in a wax museum, but here is what I read about it:

If you use a lens that is really wide, while also standing very close to the subjects, it will distort the photo, making those close to the camera appear giant while shrinking those further away.



Thinking about how in like 50 years there’s gonna be a generation of little old ladies with ‘goth slut’ or something tattooed on their knees.



Paint protection


A viewer sent me this:

"Hey Ralph

 Hope all okay …

 I paid £15K last year in Corporation Taxes, Amazon zero. Possibly why I am not a billionaire …. The whole system stinks…"



There is a huge correlation vs causation problem.


536 CE. Here's why:


New Hubble Picture of an Entire Cluster of Galaxies


But all is not what it seems.

[verification needed]


Human Brain Limit of '150 Friends' Doesn't Check Out, New Study Claims

I only posted that because I love the photograph.


If you can lay your hand on it then your dog shouldn't walk on it.



The most unrealistic element of Jurassic Park is the part where an American theme park investor became concerned after a single worker is killed.




I can't believe I never noticed that before.

And I checked it out. It's legit.

It reminds me of this guy...


I think you can 3D print these...





He brought you another present...



If you get pissed off enough.











Anonymous said...

Puzzle time:

Anonymous said...

D4: you just gave me the best idea I've had in five years. My squirrel trap has captured more dove than squirrel. I'm going to print some of these little arms and attach them to the dove and let them go.

Right now I just wish I lived out west where I could catch a roadrunner or two.

Anonymous said...

A3: that was the Battle of the Joshes. The winner got to keep the name. From what I heard a 9-year-old boy won, and was able to keep his name.

Anonymous said...

B6: are you seriously trying to tell me that a condom had metal support wires on four corners?
I pity the woman...

David said...


Burgervan said...

B14: Cinco de Mayo Mexican independance day. (Sinkhole and Mayonnaise)

Burgervan said...

CORRECTION: My Bad. Cinco De Mayo is Mexico's celebration of the Battle of Puebla when they smashed the French CUNTS up! hahahaha

Inchworm said...

B17 Settlers - those who moved into the Frontier and 'settled' it. i.e. brought order and law to that part of the country.
VS Settlers, those who 'settle' for 'good enough, even thought I wanted/expected more'

Anonymous said...

B17: they don't need the best. They will "settle" for less.

Chuck said...

B17: They would rather have a larger room with a view, but will 'settle' for this one.

Anonymous said...

B14:. Sinko de Mayo (cinco de mayo)
B17: they are settlers. She's settling for the view that they don't have. He's settling for the size of the room being too small.

Anonymous said...

C2 - Corporation tax is paid on profit, not revenue. Amazon had a net loss and hence paid no profit.

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