About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, November 19, 2021


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



I've been busy. 
I made a display box for one of my most prized possessions - my Missileman Badge. 

Very few people earn one of those. 

The badges were worn on the pocket of all uniforms.

I've put my badge in my grandson's treasure chest along with an explanation of what it is and what it meant to me.


Remember the quarter collector that I mounted on the frame of my kitchen door? Well, one side is almost filled and the other side is half-filled. Soon I will have collected twelve feet of quarters.


On the lentil of the same door, I mounted "Famous Man in an Ornate Chair". I dismantled the first attempt that had them hanging from a dowel and made them hanging from a small shelf.

Then I dismantled the jiggly piece I hated from the start and made a "Jefferson Toter".

Jefferson stares out of both sides.

I have been pining to use this massive handle for years. It was another artifact that I...preserved from a place that didn't appreciate it. I like that it is too large for the box. I feel it reinforces its portability.

This one jiggles also but in a more controlled fashion.

(I included the three clips in hopes one will upload properly.)
I have twenty of the test tubes leftover and boy

You will need two small padded envelopes. 

Onto one of them you should write the address to which you want the test tube sent. It should be stamped with enough postage to return it to you. How will you know how much is the correct postage? You just put on the same amount of stamps that it will take you to send me the two envelopes. The envelope with your destination should be folded and inserted into the one with this address: 

Ralph Henry

728 Saluda Avenue

Columbia, SC, 29205

I will send you a small example of my artwork and you can pay me whatever you think is appropriate - one to a customer.

Any money I receive will be turned into dollar art.





*Viewer Contribution


*Can you imagine running a country using the rules in the Bible - or more precisely the handpicked rules in the Bible that people in power use to reinforce their own prejudices.




Want to take the test they used?

I've cut a few people off because of covid insanity. One was a guy I had loaned my truck to for a week when his broke down. When I backed him in a logical corner, he screamed, "Well, Fauci makes $400 million a year and he brought covid here." I just held up my hands and surrendered with, "I can't take anymore. I'm done."

^^A 5-9^^

*visits Canada*

I’d like four healthcare, please. To go.



The size difference between Andre The Giant and this nurse.


We have all done that...but most of us learned the lesson when we were eight!

I'm thinking she's presenting...

I bet he thinks so anyway.


Same intersection, same outfits, same ol' bad luck

Note: You will notice that each of my posts contains several reposts. This is necessary because new entries are getting rarer and rarer.


I don't know what that means. I only posted it because I can literally smell that photograph.



Dance like everyone in the room is blind...


Some people think that is David Michael Solomon (born c. 1962) is an American investment banker, and the chief executive officer (CEO) of Goldman Sachs,


Give her an A+ for creativity.


I've always had excellent reflexes. Now look at that clip and imagine that computer screen being a full glass of beer. Yeah, I knocked it over and grabbed it similar to that, but my followthrough threw beer all over the bartender.


Why women live longer than men...


I would be concerned about them banging together at the first bump.


I've done things similarly. If there ever was the truth it is that you do what you have to do.


I like to shout, “Ohh it burns!” while using a public restroom.



Many years ago I predicted that drones would revolutionize photography. But exactly where is the camera on this drone?


I had never thought about bread in a can, but why not?


I become irrationally irritated when they put dark gray letters on a black background - every fucking electronic device made in the last thirty years.


I'm not sure I can see its advantage over this old-timey type.

Speaking of...
Gas Station Bathroom

They used the optical illusion that I posted weeks ago on a large outdoor ad board.


I would think that this would be an excellent alternative to huge unsightly ramps.



If a teenager tried to climb that and injured himself I would sue that it was a public nuisance. It just invites mischief.



Antique arcade shocker machine

Here are the instructions.

I've used a similar machine countless times. We learned that if you had a chain of children holding hands it didn't shock the living shit out of us unless the chain was complete.

There's a gauge in the middle. We took all new kids there to "test their strength." That's right, in the 50s having electricity running from one hand, across your chest, and out the other hand was considered good clean fun.


Animated worlds, Thomas Dubois

Thomas knows what he's doing.


When I’m older my plan is to mostly talk gibberish then very occasionally turn to a grandchild and say
‘Of course, the money is all in that account in Switzerland’.

And then start talking gibberish again.




"He must smell my alligator."


You can either teach your horse to dance or you, yourself, can dance like a horse...


They are waiting patiently for the light to change...

Instead of just flying over the danger.


What amazing creatures must be in the oceans of Europa?


Bringing their own lunch to work.


I smile every time I run across that.


Monkey's reaction to spider filter...

Extraordinary human reactions.


"HEY! DROP IT! DROP IT! DROP IT! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"











Anonymous said...

^^C2^^ My mom used to buy the bread in a can when I was a kid, 60 years ago. Haven't seen it in a store in ages. As I recall it was kinda sweet. Have to go look for some now.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous - my Mom made us B&B Datenut Bread (now discontinued) and cream cheese sandwiches all the time. We ate them whole or cut them into halves or quarters. Most delicious.

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