About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, November 13, 2021


One Of My Very Own

Note calendar I included.


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Me: Want to go to Lowe’s with me?

Wife: Can I wear my tiara?

Me: I’d rather you not.

Wife: Then no thanks.

[husband leaves]

Wife: *whispers* Works every time.






"Something's fucky."


It's a little too realistic for my taste.


Boy, that guy sure knows how to own a lib.



Each day it seems we stray further and further from God's light...






Actually, for an old guy that's not funny.


When my brother was young my mom took him to a pool. When he told her that he had to pee she told him to just pee in the water. A couple of minutes later she shrieked when she saw him standing on the side of the pool peeing into the water in full view of everybody.


A line from an Errol Flynn pirate movie:

"Captain, the ship is sinking!"

"Then find a part of the ship that's not sinking and keep firing!"

*Think about that.

During that same movie, he asked the female lead if she would like some mutton, and then it showed her eating a chicken wing.






Imagine you’re in a heated argument with a Wiccan and they start lighting candles.



How telling is that? And we know that sightings skyrocketed as soon as Sci-Fi movies came out in the 50s.

But more interesting to me is the fact that the US and USSR seemed to encourage the myth to cover up sightings of experimental aircraft.


Horatio Nelson's lethal wound


JFK assassination records not being released yet

Two nephews of John F. Kennedy are calling on the Biden administration to release the final trove of secret documents on the 1963 assassination of the former president.

The records were scheduled to be made public Tuesday, but the White House announced late Friday night that it would delay their publication until at least Dec. 15 — and perhaps longer if President Joe Biden determines it’s in the nation’s best interest to keep them confidential.

“It’s an outrage. It’s an outrage against American democracy. We’re not supposed to have secret governments within the government,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told POLITICO. “How the hell is it 58 years later, and what in the world could justify not releasing these documents?”...

Biden’s decision to continue Trump’s policy of shielding the records came as a surprise to historians and experts on the assassination because he had served in the U.S. Senate when the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 passed unanimously in Congress. That act, passed in response to questions raised by the 1991 Oliver Stone film “JFK,” set up an independent review board to collect all government files that might have bearing on the assassination and make them public. Most records were released between 1994 and 1998. Only the most sensitive classified documents remain confidential...

The White House declined to comment on the record, issuing a background statement saying that “the National Archives advised that their review of classified material was severely hampered by COVID-19 since classified material cannot be reviewed remotely and asked for more time.” The coronavirus first hit the U.S. in early 2020, more than 27 years after the JFK Records Act passed and more than 56 years after Kennedy was shot on Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas.






 It's been used in perfume and served as a delicacy for centuries although in some countries its possession and trade are illegal under bans prohibiting the use of products from endangered whales. 


Young great whites have bad vision and easily confuse surfers and swimmers with fat seals.

But why wouldn't a shark want to eat a human?


How's our struggle to save the bees going? The last I heard the culprit was identified as a pesticide. If you have updates please send them to me. Thanks.






150 years old illumination technology. 

So I'm assuming that little red ribbon burns...anybody?


My wife and I have found the best barbecue we have ever eaten. We drive out and get our order to-go then drive around back and eat in the shade looking out over the forest. And a good time was had by all.


If I beep at someone to go or move up, I automatically look in my rearview mirror pretending it wasn’t me, shaking my head & hoping the person I beeped at thinks I’m showing solidarity by being appalled at the person behind me who clearly beeped at “us.” So, yeah, I’m super stable



I love images like that so much. I wish I knew when I could find scenes like that and know how to get in position.


Influencer feels suggestive photos with her father's open casket are a coping mechanism




I could sit and watch babies do things like that all day.



I don't type that fast but I can type about as fast as a person talks.



I've seen shit like that a thousand times. The ones dropped off to pick up their cars were my favorite.


Please don't do that.


U.S. Flag But Each Star Is Scaled To Their State’s Population and Geographical Position.


And he does it all in Crocs...with socks.

Of all the wood splitters I've seen that is the absolute worst.


US Sailors Train on Mk 38 25mm Chain Gun

Not as accurate as I would have guessed.

But the way it extrudes spent shells is rather...fecal.


Tired of having sex with your wife? Try this - it will keep you celibate for a month.


Filming Indiana Jones 5 in Fez، Morocco





Remember this classic?







Anonymous said...

C1: I don't understand the shadows that photo. Was it a collage? It composite?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Confused C1 Anon,
I don't know.

Anonymous said...

I like your tunnel appearance!

C1: its a staged drone shot. Can't find the reference but I have seen it before. Everyone is spaced accordingly and playing freeze tag.


Ralph Henry said...

Dear C1 Anon, Then what about the shadows pointing in two directions?

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Tenby - sitar, steam, sense, sable, style

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