About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, November 20, 2021


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






The safety factor decreases with each MPH increase.




Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, and Lee Van Cleef on the set of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

Another example of perfect casting.


Not me. When my wife has cold feet I like to hold them to my chest. Of course, I'm a foot guy...and a great husband...most of the time.


Speaking of feet...



STORYTIME: When I read The Stand by Stephen King I knew I could do better and started writing. And when I saw the image above I knew I could do better and started making OOMVOs.


You need to look up what his shitbag daughter did.





Remember this?

I can't stand the idea of copying pranks seen on the internet. Think for yourself. Invent your own damn pranks.


Nope. Not going to comment on that.


What can you do when your in-laws give uncomfortably long hugs while greeting you?

Search their pockets. You might want to ask if they’re carrying anything sharp like knives or needles.

I know that now.


*I almost missed that.



"Romans call it The Wedding Cake and they hate it, apparently. At least that’s what my tour guide told me."

*It is a little...busy.


I love watching these...


A demonstration of belted and unbelted students on a school bus during an accident...






Not everyone is impressed with your new boat...

Poop Deck?


I had a mishap with a skunk one time. I had to strip outside and hose myself off using soap and that didn't remove all the stench.


How the hell does he learn to do that?


If anyone is looking for a quick and affordable hair removal system, you’re welcome to come over and use my grill.






An ingenious piece of Victorian luggage (c.1890) converts from steamer trunk to dresser so the traveler does not have to unpack.



I haven't a clue.


I seem to remember that trees existed before the bacteria that would break them down and any fallen tree would just lay there.


But you have to respect that kind of power...


His wife asked him to put a cat door in the corner of the door.


I love how my wife cuts all the bearded dragon’s food up into itty bitty pieces like that’s how she finds it in the wild.



All I'm advocating is that you take your doctor's advice. For that, I'm a radical. THAT is how irrational Americans are now.

I hate that people always make science too complicated. It's literally just "check if you were correct in a repeatable way" That's it! They disagree with anything that challenges their beliefs.


Sound familiar?




Yeah, but working for yourself has two big advantages: The boss will give you a day off when you really need it, and the boss will give you a hand job from time to time.


How did this happen? So many people believe a person they can't identify.




Never, ever throw water on a grease fire!


She HAS GOT to be the boss.






Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: "Sixty Two"
Mrs Ralph Henry's husband would be Ralph Henry.

Anonymous said...


The judge never said that, it's just more twisting of the facts by the media that started before the trial.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear cartoon hating Anon,
It's a fucking cartoon! Cartoons don't have to be true.
You need to lighten up, man.

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