About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

SUNDAY #4715

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Recently I posted a spot behind a great BBQ restaurant where my wife and eat once a week. Her Facebook exploded with local people wanting to know where it was.






If someone sits too close to me on a bench, I stare straight ahead and say “Did you bring the money?”








How to kidnap my wife...


Reminds me of bath time.






My wife will do that at the slightest provocation.


I'm definitely the guy on the left.


One thing I really like about the stars is that even though they’re probably pretty busy doing star stuff they still take the time to shape every human's personality when we’re born.




I've seen monkey shit-fights at the zoo that were better organized than the Democratic Party.




No, not ironic...hilarious! Fucking hilarious!



I await a candle with the scent of Joe Rogan's vagina.


*And it's Socialism.


Thou shalt not bear false witness...

"Real accident scene photo."


This is sure to help morale and staff retention...





White Suprematits. 

Yes, that man truly believes that he is superior to other human beings and yearns to be a member of the ruling class. And he will do anything and everything that Donald Trump tells him to do. Sleep tight.


Meanwhile, my wife...



My wife said she was the prettiest girl in Walmart today and I replied “No offense sweetie, but I’ve often been the prettiest girl at Walmart”.





I couldn't help looking for Hearts of Stone. Right side...


The dad that all the other dads hate.


Neato. Did you notice there's a silhouette of a child on the back of his head?


Baked Crab Legs in Butter Sauce

Just another reason to live on the coast. 

God, that looks delicious!


WW1 battlefields, even after 100 years farmers still find munitions.

They place them on the power poles and contact the military to dispose of them. This one wasn't fired judging by the band around it. This is a common view...or so I'm told.


Saudi translated menu



A clever illusion...


That's very nice to look at but it looks like this rock could slide out...



I have never had anyone explain to me why they find such a thing repulsive. Could one of you conservative commenters lay it out for me...like I'm a child.


Wouldn't a big blue tarp do the same thing?


And I'm going to bet they are funded by Big Oil and Gas.

Now take a look at this...

I watched a documentary showing how coastal cities are spending billions of dollars preparing for higher water levels. Green space like that was a common solution.

But after how millions of you responded to 800,000 Americans dying from a contagious disease for which they were offered a free very effective vaccine, I have a prediction of our climate change mitigation.

^^C 13-17^^



*Verification Required



Sorry, guy, I've completely run out of dark stuff. If you run across something appropriate, please forward it to me.



It just occurred to me that almost all of these could be used as a Public Service Announcement warning.


Reminds me of the good old days.



Becki said...


But you're not a child, Ralph. ☺
According to Pew Research, the religious composition
of conservatives is 85% Christians.
You basically want to understand the Christian moral argument
against cultural acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle.
What did the fig leaves cover? Not their mouths...

Tree of life (Christ) and
tree of knowledge of good and evil (Satan/anti-, instead of)
in the garden,
and they were commanded not to "eat" of the fruit of the latter.
Eve was beguiled (Gr. wholly seduced, 2 Cor 11.3),
an adulterous woman as described in Proverbs 30.20
(Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth,
and wipeth her mouth, and saith, "I have done no wickedness.");
and this is a physical example purposed to teach
spiritual adultery (idolatry) to mankind.
Cain was the result of that act,
so the misdeed produced an evil bloodline (tares among wheat).

After she betrayed, she shared the fruit with Adam,
the first homosexual act, the fall of man after the first
commandment (no other gods).
It's part of the original sin,
transgression (on the other side) of the law;
as evil is a 'turning down' (perverseness),
lapse in lawful judgment (both natural and supernatural).

Many Christians, like the more emotional than cerebral,
don't know or accept this textual evidence,
although it's certainly translated as such from the recorded
original language by scholars through time;
so i think they rely mostly on New Testament references
(e.g. Romans 1.26-27) about the unnatural act of it -
an abomination,
a bane (death) contrary to natural life
in a species that should desire a greater demeanor
than lesser beasts.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Becki, So, you believe in talking snakes? Look, all I'm saying is that any book that tells me women came from a man's rib can't be trusted as a moral guide.

Becki said...

Dear Ralph,

Metaphorically speaking, I've experienced a number of
talking snakes. heh heh

And that is what some accounts are in my Book,
allegory to teach,
no different with intent than Plato's Cave.

BTW, men aren't missing a rib.
The word 'rib' in the original text is 'curve'.

"The word helix comes from the Greek word ἕλιξ,
"twisted, curved"."
"Helices are important in biology,
as the DNA molecule is formed as two intertwined helices..."
Here is a depiction of
"A helix composed of sinusoidal x and y components":


You know women are curvier than men, my friend. ☺

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Becki, Please, please, please use your analytic powers on the story of Lot and his daughters. I can hardly wait.

Becki said...

You generally make me laugh and smile, Ralph. ☺
It's why I've followed your blog for so long.
However, your request for an answer was genuine.

Did read what you're attempting to discredit?
Pick up the subject and object:
Lot and his daughters are in chapter 19,
32 "we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father."
The covenant for abundant seed and land
was between God and Abram (Abraham)
because of his integrity,
starting in chapter 15.

Lot and his daughters lived in Sodom,
where they learned the hard way
that unrestrained, unchaste behavior doesn't produce
a healthy population, physically or morally.
They were mercifully spared
before the city and people that had become insatiable,
violent creatures were destroyed.
They landed alone in a cave with their father,
obviously deprived of bounteous influence and
unaware of any other men in the land for seed.
Again, allegory of life in the darkness of a cave.

Simple analysis: Solemn vs Sodom
These accounts teach a difference:
the abundance of solemn living - promise of seed and land;
and the curse of Sodom living - scarce seed and destroyed land,
the result of rampant corrupted behavior.
You know, honor the natural father-and-mother thing
for long life in the land given (fifth commandment);
which is a promise to peoples, not a person.

I'm a political and religious moderate.
I believe all people, as many as humanly possible,
deserve a chance for a safe, healthy life in this world.
Savagery caused by the unfettered degradation of virtues,
especially as seen in churches, is contrary to that;
because the animalistic characteristics
won't simply evolve out of the dominant species that is
capable of destroying the entire world.

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