About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 8, 2022


 One Of My Very Own



EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



I've never been to Portland but I did see a coffee shop that also does bicycle repair so I think that's basically the same thing.



At first, I thought that was a collage but the more I looked at it the more I convinced myself that it's a single photograph.


Said to be a Stealth Bomber in flight caught on Google Maps.




More effective than a simple face shield I would say.


Okay, I got nothing...


The Last Picture Show


Playing with the lighting can add drama.


The woman was then hit by her own vehicle as she attempted to exit it. She survived.


How very interesting.


Both Florida and Oklahoma have a panhandle. Question: If you are out camping and you pull down your pants and take a shit are you taking a shit IN the panhandle or ON the panhandle?






When painting murals there is often a crowd watching and these people see every mistake I make. But it keeps me honest.


I don't get that. Anybody?






I found that a laugh-out-loud movie.


A while back my wife made me take down the Halloween decorations and put up the Christmas decorations. And when I moved the witches and werewolves I found Santa and the manger scene from last year.




Oldie but goodie.









Remember Techno Viking?


Screaming Roomba


When my kids were young and we saw a dead deer on the side of the highway I would say, "Looks like Santa lost his temper again."


*wait for it




High Maintenance Woman

I'm much too busy for high-maintenance women.

We've found the guy who did his own electric work.


"...to Mayor Tom."

Can you imagine what the world would look like if all the military spending had been spent on the common good, say, for the last hundred years?


My father, the engineer, once told me that long stretches of interstates have designed curves to keep drivers alert.



I get mixed vibes from that.


I love that and would love to live there. Most people only want to live in houses that look just like everybody else's. I pity these people.



If it works it's not stupid.

I once came into possession of a set of oarlocks and made a gun rack out of them. Worked perfectly.

I mounted those on pieces of 2x4s then mounted the wood to the wall.


I'm liking it...for people braver than me.


I believe that is called a "set play" and they take a lot of practice.


Reason #4532 that I live in the South...


These cows are so very similar in coloration that I'm thinking that they all have the same father...probably artificially inseminated.


The first human kidney transplant was performed (1954)

"I need a reaction photo so each of you looks like you have a dick in your mouth."

- photographer probably


I watched the movie 'Encounter' which was listed under Sci-fi. 

It started out with a man fleeing an alien insect invasion with his sons only to devolve into a story of an insane man who was totally delusional. But it even had some sci-fi-looking scenes. I DO NOT recommend it.


I do that!



Can anybody explain that?


I will never forget my daughter the professor/engineer/scientist/mother/and an all-around great person telling me about an Asian student who was taking his final exam when he dropped a piece of paper. When he reached for it the huge line of folded chairs shifted and painfully trapped his arm. Remembering the instructions forbidding any talking he just sat there until the test was over. And even after a call from the kid's mother in China, my daughter refused to give him a makeup test and it was back to the farm for this unfortunate lad.






And a vaccine.


When having a fat ass is advantageous.



1 comment:

Robin said...

B5 - Apparently this is a reference to an animation called 'Full Metal Alchemist' Someone creates a chimera by combining his daughter and a dog. For reasons I don't full understand this then became a meme.


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