About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 7, 2022

FRIDAY #4762

 One Of My Very Own

That's one of my all-time favorites!


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



 The secondary mirror of the JWT has been successfully deployed 


I made it out of old woodcuts that I created decades ago.

A couple of the sides needed paint enhancement since the light and dark areas were too close to the same.

Then there's this side which more or less just looks like a slab of pine.

But if you tilt it under the light to get just the right reflection, the face shows up beautifully.


If I outlive her I think I will hire a boat to take me out to sea and just throw the box over the side for one last adventure going to parts unknown.




That was my motto during my whoring days.


That leaves an awful lot of wiggle room there.






That's not all that funny.


Pics or it didn't happen.

That's Cream of Mushroom soup with added olives. Each day we strayed further from God's light.


I think we've found the recently divorced man.





Police, military, CDC, food inspectors, FDA, highway safety, air traffic control, weather predictions, etc.

But it is nice to know she is pro-choice.






Better than nothing.

Drunken home wrecker.


Bullshit: Lies

Dogshit: Poor quality

Batshit: Illogical

Apeshit: Frightening aggressive

Horseshit: Unfair

Chickenshit: Cowardly

Holy Shit: Astonishing

Dipshit: Twat



Alien - They didn't have an ultrasound or X-ray when the man came back with an organism on his face? Remember when the appearance of the little creature jumping out of the man's chest was a total surprise to them?


Rekjavik, rainbow path to Hallgrímskirkja. June 2021

Life is hard for everyone. Can't we all just decide to do no harm?


I know a woman who told her boss that several members of the staff were all going to call in sick on the same day and meet up at the lake for a big party. The boss asked if she was trying to get fired. When she said she didn't understand the boss told her that he was going to the party also.


On a shortcut on a route, I drove hundreds of times was a dirt road with a handprinted sign that read: BOAT PADDLES FOR SALE. After a couple of years, I decided to investigate...and ended up buying a half dozen paddles.

I later wrote a novel modeled on the experience.

I detest exploitative TV shows about aliens, Bigfoot, vampires, ghosts, etc. And that they are on channels that used to be educational irks me even more.


Whoever got rid of these seats didn't have a girlfriend.

But they may be making a comeback.

I conceived a child on a seat very much like that.


That would be my attitude also.


I once noticed that almost every child in the lunchroom was throwing almost all of their lunch in the garbage. I asked the lunchroom lady if they ever told the powers that be that the kids didn't like a meal and they said, "Not my job." And that was that.


Us Southerners use some rather unique words. Here's one of my favorite.

After I looked that up I made a quick list of other words:





Plum tuckered out

Fixin' to




Hush up

Plumb (totally)

Tuckered out

Hissy fit

Up (added after any verb)
Drank up the whole case
Drove up to grandma's
Cooked up some cornbread

But I believe that language is just the tool we use to communicate and Southerns communicate very well with those words. Who is to condemn it if it works?


Sorry, but I don't believe it.

But I admire his computer graphics skills.


When my wife says "I've been thinking" it means I'm going to have to build, buy, paint, or move something.



This came without explanation.

As you probably remember, it really, really bothers me when I don't get something I run across that on the internet and I don't get that.


A German sculpture of the last man breathing air from the last tree.



As the father of two daughters, I take feminism very seriously.


"Who" are vaccinated.




In-flight, the SR71 gets so hot that it swells up. Therefore, it had to be built very loose so after the swelling, it fits snugly. But I have heard that on the ground it leaked jet fuel like a sieve. I never could figure out how having skin with spaces to accommodate the swelling could affect the fuel tank...until today.

Come to find out, the skin of the aircraft IS the fuel tank. To reduce the risk of fire on the ground they developed a fuel that required very high temperatures to combust.

I once had the privilege to walk up under an SR71.


I commend him but $600K to a billionaire is chump change.



A lot of people say I look like him...or used to.





Rap music: It was the busta rhymes, it was the wursta rhymes.



Art installation by Anish Kapoor


A Most Unusual Chicken

The Onagadori is a rare breed of long-tailed chicken recognized as a Living National Treasure of Japan.


Somebody has their ducks in a row...


Dancing Grandma


Say Something

God, I love the absurd.


Scream Machine


Volcano Steam

Undersea volcano sends plume of steam into the skies near Tonga.



Intro to Satanism?









Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: air

ponder said...

As you probably remember, it really, really bothers me when I don't get something I run across that on the internet and I don't get that.

Antibiotic resistance, the drugs no longer work and the bugs are winning...


ponder said...

Puzzle Time


Anonymous said...

Hey Ralph
Puzzle answer is AIR

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