About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 22, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Why do people get so upset about bad haircuts? Name one other problem that resolves itself quietly over time while you wait.



*Viewer Contribution




*I would ask that they remove the first D from Wednesday.



Think of cartoonists making connections like that...every day.


Dad Humor...




*The English.

As a man who worked in many bars and owned two, I've seen that look a thousand times.

A guy at a bar once told me, "If you aren’t tying damsels in distress to railroad tracks while laughing maniacally, your curly mustache is going to waste."




Mammograms, camera tube us my ass, finger up my ass, dental checkups, yearly blood tests, eye exams, etc, etc.











More rightwing monuments:


"When a male surgeon treats a female patient, that patient is 16 percent more likely to experience complications, 20 percent more likely to remain in the hospital for longer, and 32 percent more likely to die than if they were treated by a female surgeon."


When I was young doctors made house calls. They would tote their bag and hand out drugs. They were often paid with a loaf of freshly baked bread or a basket of produce or the services of a wayward step-daughter...or son, but that's a whole nother horse of some other color.


Dear US: No. New. Wars.

Ski lift stuck over burst pipe.

There's an involuntary enema joke in there someplace.


Protest Differences

My wife is only one Amazon purchase away from selling pictures of my feet covered in the cookie dough to strangers on the internet...again.














And that sort of thing should be taught in sex ed. Forget about the don't do it bullshit. Teach them some tricks to make it better.


Look carefully...








-sound on-

I’m praying for you, so if a bird shits on your car right after you wash it…that’s from me.



This guy just bought a house, inherited this cool uranium glass lamp.


There are towns in Montana and such places that have so few people that their high schools play 9-Man Football.


*Before covid, my wife used to hang out in a coffee shop that employed only disabled people.



So, what did you do during staythefuckathome?

My initial reaction was to mock the potential for injury vs the payoff but then I remembered that she's getting plenty of cardio which is a very good thing.

Mr. David Bowie, Y'all

Boy Hears
-sound on-

Damn Release

Drug Dog
-sound on-

Makeup Master

First Snow
-sound on-

A Rather Unique Stirrer

A Man and His Violin
-sound on-volume up-









1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In reference to D2

There are towns in Montana that are so small they play 6 man football. I know, I'm from one of them.


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