About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 21, 2022

FRIDAY #4776

 One Of My Very Own 


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com







He once said that if you look angry everyone will think you're busy.

I recently had my first encounter with ads in a movie...a movie I PAID FOR! It made me very angry and I will check out the hack above and let you know if it works.

*I'm guessing his bed.


*No thanks rational thinking your ship has sailed.


And people wonder why I talk about such things constantly. I honestly fear that if we allow Donald Trump in the White House again he...simply...won't...leave.



*Then why don't they arrest the homicidal little bastard?



*Write that shit done, Y'all.

Bold words from a virgin.



Personally cannot wait to get microchipped, why should my dog be the only one who benefits from this technology.


Ben Garrison tries to change the narrative.


Do you believe in Occum's Razor? Don't you think that Donald Trump whipping his cultist followers into a frenzy and sending them to the Capital to stop the counting of the votes (which we all witnessed with our own eyes) is the simplest explanation of the events of 1/6?



Only short people can save us?


That guy made a plate out of a mountain of carefully placed bacon.


I can remember when it used to snow here once or twice a year. It hasn't snowed here in the last 20 years. No conclusion...just saying.

So this is his legacy.



Train Yard Timing
Model Train

Spores Galore
As I recall they use spores to tell all sorts of things about long-dead people.

Whale Record
-sound on-

Sand Fleas?

Did you notice the one going due west - the exact wrong direction?


Domino Bricks

Did you notice the near-disaster in the third ring from the center?


Stop sign in the tunnel

Weed Commercial

[Listen carefully to the side effects]



This was called Chocolate Shawarma

I made a Cash Skewer...

I've titled it Cash Shawarma


I've only lost one ladder off the top of my van. I bought a bundle of twine from a garage sale and it broke.

Come to find out it was just twisted brown paper used to tie up bundles of newspapers...not ladders.

Then I bought a case of extra long zip ties and never had another problem.


Boy, did that remind me of one of the most traumatic events of my life?

Back in the 1950s, each classroom had a separate cloakroom.

The teacher moved me upfront so she could keep an eye on me so I was right next to the cloakroom door.

I went into the cloakroom to "sharpen my pencil" and met up with two of my friends. One of them said he was going to recharge the battery in his pants pocket and would we like to watch. I did not and went back to my seat.

But the "battery" he had in his pocket was not a battery.

When it exploded I whirled around and saw my friend laying on the floor with half the flesh of his thigh blown away. I remember staring at his femur thinking it looked like a rolled-up newspaper.

Anyway, everyone healed and life went on...except for the construction company that left their dynamite shed door unlocked.


The twelve days of Christmas be like:

Days 1-4: Birds
Days 6-7: oh… more birds
Days 8-12: Slavery(?)



The weaver bird builds a false entrance into its nest to fool predators.


Mystery Dog


Looks like Walmart has a special on squab...


Israeli scientists train goldfish to steer cars.


He turned his goldfish into a dolphin...



Human to the rescue

Elephant fells tree

Bird nest

I would really like to build one of those on a window so I could watch it.


Mountain Goats

Wonder Dog

Running Bear

It's either running toward something or away from something.


Lizard Being Lizard

“New Year, New Me” gets easier every year cause I keep setting the bar lower and lower.



Noah Hathaway as Atreyu in the Neverending Story.

That's sad. As a teacher, I'm pretty good about predicting who will and who will not turn out attractive. I would have really missed Noah.



Their names and the date they committed the crime. Reminds me of the terrorists on 1/6.


My grandmother taught me one of life's lessons...

Seriously, my real grandmother never cursed, smoked, or drank...until she was 75 years old. That's right, she started all those things in her eighth decade. And lived to be almost 100.


Too much knowledge is a terrible thing...


Be like those guys.

*Please tell me he didn't really do that.


I can imagine that people who do that are afraid of, say, mountain climbing, deep-sea diving, etc.


Coping Humor

The Soccer Player

Sidney Portier

Former Arizona Republican US Senate candidate challenges Trump to a $1M debate, calls Trump “a little bitch,” and then uses a flamethrower to torch his own MAGA hat.

Full video: SOURCE


Betty White improvising on the spot while Bae Arthur and Rue McClanahan crack up laughing.


News as the enemy


*Verification Requested







*I seem to remember that I've shown you that before. Keeping track of them all is not as easy as you would think.


ponder said...

*Then why don't they arrest the homicidal little bastard?

Just maybe adults shouldn't leave guns lying around and properly secure them so little kids can't get a hold of them.

Over here it's called negligence and you as the gun owner will be charged & prosecuted, in the US it's called a terrible accident, thoughts & prayers are handed out and y'all carry on as if it's just one of those things.

ponder said...

That guy made a plate out of a mountain of carefully placed bacon.

That's just bacon, eggs, toast on a brown plate.

ponder said...

I would really like to build one of those on a window so I could watch it.

If you can see it then it can see you and it's sense of security would be gone so it won't nest there. You would need one-way glass of sorts.

ponder said...


That's a really bad photo of him, if you do a google image search for him there are way way better photos where he's clean shaven, different hairstyle etc and doesn't look like a zombie from walking dead.

ponder said...


God she's a gem!

Anonymous said...

In Reference to D3

Some one did that at Pompey's Pillar a few years ago. They were caught and had to pay a pretty big fine.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear D3 Anon, Do you know if the culprits were Americans?

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