About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 6, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


An excellent NASA website showing WEBB progress.

[Thanks, Bill.]


And here's what its final orbit will look like.

Mind glowingly fascinating.



Why do we “shush” our dogs when they bark at the postman when bills make up 98% of our mail?

Dogs get it.

Next time, join in.


*I once watched a man put his foot in his wife's lap in a room crowded with guests and more or less demand that she massage his foot. 

And she did.



Decentralized currency, baby!

That’s not one percent… it’s one-hundredth of a percent.


Remember when Christians believed that helping the poor was a good thing and loving money was a bad thing? I miss those days.

Like most restaurants, the one I used to hang out in offered no sick days for any of their employees. And more times than I can count I talked to the kitchen staff who came to work so sick they could barely stand up. And these people prepared your food.


Nobody has been able to explain to me how closing polling places and removing drop boxes insured fair elections. Has anybody got an answer for me?

Yeah, but they die of simple infections or a burst appendix.





As I recall it was discovered that rural children had far fewer cavities than urban children and the reason was the natural fluoride in the well water.


My wife killed another house plant but this time she said it was personal.




Said no one ever.


It's called juxtaposition.



*That took me much too long.


This also took me far too long to understand...


Flashing made easy.


Another that took me a while...

I thought it was a ball.

What the fuck is that????

*Danny Contribution




"What do you want for Christmas?"

- she asked


Before Danny...

After Danny...

Funny guy.



 'Take A Walk On The Dark Side' first-timer.


Finishing a book is like saying goodbye to an old friend. Finishing a show you binge-watched is like staggering out of a motel where you’ve been holed up for 24 hours with someone you met while trying to score crack.



"You done messed up now!"

I hired a mural assistant who just got out of the Army. He broke just about everything he touched and explained it by noting that in the Army everything is so over-engineered that you can't break anything and civilian objects are just too fragile.


The World’s First Automobile


How did he know he wasn't going to break his legs?


Photographs of note...

Fog swamping Dubai.

Another illustration of the necessity for spotters...qualified spotters.


Danny sent me this...

I opined that the U should be a V.

And he fixed it...

A gem of a guy.

You would think laws would be adjusted for such conditions.

There is a Big Boy graveyard in Michigan.


I would have named him Brandon just to fuck with the Nazis.



My wife and I tried one of these and we thought it wonderful.


If Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner taught me one thing it’s that when someone is mildly annoying you should devote the remainder of your life to destroying them.



Some people have no sense of humor...


Comedian On Vaccines

Unusual Costume

A friend of mine did the exact same thing for a Halloween party in a huge warehouse. His "chair" had a hole in the seat through which he could goose anyone sitting on it. When this happened the person would jump up and accuse the person standing behind the chair of the goosing.

Rare Storm

Alexandria, Egypt.... snowing and raining with lightning.


True Crimestopper



A Working Dog

My brother trained his bird dog by throwing a pair of real bird wings that was tied to a bean bag. He was careful not to allow the dog to see where the wings landed which necessitated him running around and locating it through smell.

Storm Terror

Odette (Rai) Category 5 typhoon ravages a stadium in the Philippines.

That got me thinking about the two types of people in an emergency. Take this example...

There are screamers and there are the quiet people. I am absolutely certain I would be a quiet person - realizing screaming would only make the situation worse for everyone concerned.


Maori reporter tries her skill with place names.










Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

puzzle time

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Next number is 38. The numbers increase by 5 then 4 then 5 then 4

Larry said...

C8, car getting parking ticket due to snow ban....

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Larry, What is a snow ban?

Larry said...

C8, car getting parking ticket due to snow ban....
No parking on the street during heavy snows, plow trucks need to clear streets of snow. It’s a Northern thing......

Wrekreation said...

A ban on parking when it snows.
Vehicles ticketed for a snow emergency violation and towed by DPW will be taken to the DPW Impound Lot at 5001 Shepherd Parkway, SW 20032. The lot is open weekdays from 8 am to 6 pm, and the telephone number is (202) 645-5500. The lot is closed weekends, holidays and when DC government is closed. Vehicles also may be towed by private towing companies, and vehicle owners can learn where their vehicle has been towed by calling the Towed Vehicle Locator office at (202) 541-6083. To have an impounded vehicle released, these fees must be paid before the vehicle will be released:

$250 ticket for the snow emergency violation.
$100 tow fee.
$20 per day storage fee.
Additional fees also may be required to be paid, e.g., fees for tickets older than 60 days that have not been entered into the adjudication system.

These fees may be paid at the impound lot by bank debit card, credit card (Mastercard, Visa and Discover) or online through the Department of Motor Vehicles website -- dmv.dc.gov/.

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