About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 20, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




*Viewer Contribution

I did notice that there appear to be differences - The corner.


*viewer contribution


All my work lately has been with reclaimed wood. I can't afford store-bought anymore.


*another Danny contribution





My wife is the nicest person I have ever met...until you disrespect someone in her presence.


We found the guy who gets high on the job. 



Imagine if a woman had to orgasm to get pregnant by a man. There would be like 11 people in the world.



This is from a couple of weeks ago:

"I can't believe nobody spotted the mountain missing in your spot the difference. It was the first difference I saw. The missing person slightly north/east of the center was an obvious 'red-herring'!"

I need your help. It is exceedingly difficult to find new puzzles. I know how much many of you people like the Puzzle Time but my supply is running dangerously low. If you run across anything I might use PLEASE send it to me. Thanks in advance.


Reason #5632 that I don't live Upnorth...


Americans seem to shun even great ideas if they didn't originate here. Think universal healthcare.

BTW I read that roundabouts save gas, time, and reduce accidents.


Why wouldn't they just ship them pre-belted?


I think I have posted that before but I can't remember what this is. I'm going to go with a bastardized schnitzel. Anybody?


Can I assume the one in the front is a model?


Could that be factual? How do you back the nose in one out of that mess?


Did he think no one would notice?


But it wasn't backward. It appears with the stars on the right about half the time.


I like people inventing their own traditions.

But what the hell is this all about?


I get almost daily offers from companies that will get Folio Olio's numbers up...for a fee. I call that cheating. Surely advertisers have ways to see through the charade.


Stoney 1st Nation Member Samson Beaver, wife Leah, and their dau. 1907

Am I the only one who thinks he looks like Howard Morris?

You may know him as Ernest T. Bass

No disrespect intended.

Someone once told me if the recipient of anal sex farts, the fart gas will travel through the urethra, and the pressure will make his balls explode.




How the CDC would act in a zombie outbreak


Covid has taught me so much about Americans. Like if aliens started invading Earth half of us would be like "No they're not".

Don't Look Up



I found out more about the movie Don't Look Up

Topical indeed.

I Don’t Think He Is Acting In This Clip...

-sound on-


She sounds like some of my commenters...

But covid and losing our Democracy IS my business!


Each one of these dots is the site on which there is scaffolding.

But the vast majority is not scaffolding in its traditional usage but rather Sidewal Sheds to protect pedestrians from falling debris.


But what if there aren't enough jobs that pay a living wage? Get a degree to up your salary range? They have priced that out of reach to all but the rich.


The guy who built and lived in my house until he died was a George Wallace supporter. I showed you the GW tag he had on his car and today I found this.

Of course, he really meant "STAND UP FOR WHITE AMERICA".


*Verification Requested


You may have gleaned from my writings that I am not a fan of doing everything just like everybody else. But most Americans think they have "made it" if they wear the same clothes as everyone else, have the same hairdo, drive the same upscale car, smell the same, talk the same, etc, etc. I pity those people.


Every president has declared infrastructure as their priority but only Joe Biden did something about it.


I think this is a wonderful photograph.

I'm assuming the rest of you think she's naked as do I.


It irks me that on EVERY show on which they are building or cooking something there is ALWAYS something that goes wrong at the last moment. That's a cheap drama trick that Americans fall for every time.


I'm terrified that the next variant will wreak havoc on us. But a doctor said that the variants seem to have a rule that goes something like this: The more contagious it gets the less-lethal it is. And visa versa. [*Verification Requested]

My fear is that the virus will break that rule and become very contagious AND kill everyone who gets it.


He looks so proud of himself.

I bet he practiced in front of a mirror for hours.



Polish railbus driver tells passengers to get down just before a collision with a truck.

I suggest a panic button at each crossing that could warn any approaching train of the hazard.


The path of inner peace begins with four simple words:

Not my fucking problem.




Little fucker expends a lot of energy just moving around.


That guy knows what he's doing.

I once said that with enough steak scraps I could have taught my dog to talk.


Still calls it a fucking idiot.


I bet these shoes take some getting used to...

Yes, they do...

^^D 4-5^^

Dogs are entertaining without even trying...


"Hey, Baby, come here often?"


Flying high above all the danger...

That one lone feather.


To-go food?


Let's not forget that they can dive and run.


Chickenhead S8000


They suffered from intestinal worms.


From Google: Most anglerfish are less than a foot long, but some can be up to 3.3 feet (1 meter) in length!


The importance of reading the instructions - the drain hole should have been covered.

But it unclogged the sink anyway.





The diving headfirst into such shallow water could have broken his neck.


There's a honeymoon joke in there somewhere.



Wrekreation said...

C-16. Yep I need a button to stop the train because: A. I'm high and it would be fun to see the train stop; B. What I'm doing is more important than your train trip.

Fardygardy said...

Check out his link for a fascinating look at parasites (hookworms in particular)

Anonymous said...

B5 ...... Indiana Pork Tenderloin Sandwich

Anonymous said...

B9: he rightfully and correctly placed the flag in the proper orientation.
When displayed flat, or on a pillow in this case, the field of blue is always in the upper left hand corner.
This includes when the flag is displayed with the stripes vertically. The field of blue is still in the upper left hand corner.
There are very few exceptions, such as when the flag is a patch on the right shoulder of a uniform. It can then have the field of blue in the upper right hand corner, because the American flag never retreats.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Flag Knowitall,
As I recall there is no official federal regulation about how to display pillows on one's porch.

Anonymous said...

C13: The rule cannot be broken. The virus will not survive if it kills everyone it comes in contact with.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: f fills first.

Anonymous said...

In referance to B9

Yay! Butt Dimples!


mauser98k said...

F will fill first

I , K , L are blocked

Anonymous said...

C6: So a good progressive idea is to have the government (tax payer) guaranty student loans. Loans are then made to anyone who wants one. They are told to pursue degrees in whatever interests them… You know art history, social studies, political science, gender studies, etc. So loans are made regardless of the earning potential and the ability repay. This free-for-all creates abnormally high demand that allows universities to keep increasing the cost of tuition, books and R&B. And the libs even double down this fiasco by calling grades “racist” and eliminating them. So the “intelligent” college graduate who can’t afford his useless degree wants the hard working guy who couldn't afford college to pay their college debt. Meanwhile the “intelligent” student leaves school one way or another, can’t get a job in anthropology becomes negative, disgruntled and anything other than a productive member of society. Libs worry about what kind of planet we’re leaving for our kids. Many with common sense worry about what kind of kids we are leaving for the planet. The lib boondoggle continues unabated.

It wasn’t suggested that you believe there were WMDs. It was merely an example of government misinformation. Don’t be obtuse.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C13 Anon, What about the Black Death?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C6 Anon,
Then how do you explain free college being a resounding success in most European countries?

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