About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


 It's called Karma. It's pronounced Ha-Ha! 
Break out the popcorn this could get real.


My mural painting career in one easy way to read this chart:


Why do we hate the homeless and not the system that produces so many of them?

After decades of being told marijuana would ruin young people, more and more states are legalizing it and dispelling the lie.


Please, just get yourself a set of principles and stick to them.
A lie is a lie no matter which party they belong.


And remember, you don't even know who wrote your book or why they wrote it.

That reminded me of my first drawing class in college. The professor brought in a bagful of these and gave each person one to draw.

Most students drew something similar to this.

Most people insisted on drawing what they knew instead of what they saw - a condition not easily curable.


I think about comic book rules often.

The fans are so astute that they can spot plot errors instantly. For instance, if the author states in one book that the superhero can see through walls then years later states that he can't find his glasses the fanbase will go nuts. That must be very difficult.


I can't state that often enough. This is important stuff. Let people know how you feel now. When you are in pain in an ICU it will be too late to get the words right. Say it now.

Do you want to learn everything there is to know about 1/6? If not why not? 

We came very close to losing our form of government and I am terrified that the next attempt will succeed.
Try to imagine a Trump dictatorship.



I call them Snipers.

That person who leaves a critical comment on Folio Olio but can't be bothered to check back to read my reply. And they are ALWAYS anonymous.



Courage is knowing it might hurt but doing it anyway.

Stupidity is the same.

And that's why life is hard.




My wife does stuff like that all the time even in public places. I love it.



*And yet we all know what she meant.



The Water Trick
-turn the sound OFF-

Monkey feet lodged deep in his DNA.

And did you notice you notice that some of his toes are webbed?


The master entertainer at work

-sound on-



Competition at its finest


I sure guessed the conclusion of this wrong


I remember worrying that covid might last three whole weeks.





Well, we've found the English Major...




At least they are honest about it.

That looks wonderful.


This man's house is older than our whole country.

*Viewer Contribution

Wedding garb

Why not?






Demonstrating the power of fatwood even in wet, cold environments

We call it Heart of Pine.


Inflatable Scooter

The fact that 2021 is already over is proof that time also flies when you are NOT having fun.


"You better watch out" is a Christmas song that opens with a threat.





"I don't find women with tattoos attractive at all."




I strongly agree.





Are racist people like "Ugh, my open-minded uncle is going to be at Thanksgiving this year"?




Thylacine - the Tasmanian tiger

Thylacinus cynocephalus emerged ca 2 million years ago. The nocturnal hunter lived across mainland Australia and New Guinea, alone or perhaps in small family groups. 

Introduced canines, and perhaps other human activity, likely caused their decline. About 2000 years ago the last known population lived on the dingo-free Tasmania.




Praying Mantis eats two yellow jackets



*Feeding a moose is my favorite new hobby.


Snake preparing for the ambush



Whale with calf
-sound on-


That is not a shoulder weapon. That is a hip weapon.


Boy, that was close...




You would be surprised at the number of people killed by such things.





ponder said...

About 2000 years ago the last known population lived on the dingo-free Tasmania.

I think that should be 200yrs else it doesn't make sense.

ponder said...

Puzzle Time


Anonymous said...

Reference to E6
I agree a nicely shaped ass is better than a big ass. But to be a perfect ass there needs to be what I call butt dimples. These are two little depressions just above the ass.


Ralph Henry said...

Dear JNR,
A man after my own heart.

Anonymous said...

A2: So the establishment / government lied about weed but would never lie about vaccines, masks, other effective treatments, number of cases, dangerous virus research, WMDs, Epstein’s suicide, etc. Most people believe what they want to believe and you believe you are different.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A2 Anon,
I trust my doctor. I have relatives who are nurses who told me about what covid is doing in our hospitals. I know why doctors wear masks when they operate on me.
I never said I believed in the WMD in Iraq.
Don't be obtuse. You know vaccines work. You know masks are a tool to help slow the spread. You know horse dewormer and urine is ineffective. You know all these things yet you attack me. I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

E1 Chinese, they cannot pronounce their Rs or their Bs -Armando

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