About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 25, 2022

FRIDAY #4839

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





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Getting back out in society is tough because now I have to act like I learned some unique skills during staythefuckathome like "basket weaving", "knitting", or "reading".



Thoughts On All-Powerful Big Oil



I'm not sure I understand the logic. Her need does not dissipate just because she gets married.


That reminds me of the anti-vaxxer who responded to the fact that hospitals were overwhelmed with unvaccinated people with "I don't believe that."



When Dawn Staley was first hired at the University of South Carolina the fans went nuts that she was being paid more than the men's coach. Then within a couple of years, she was winning and winning big and the girl's team drew more fans than the men's.


The only advice I can give is that instead of pure escapism why not get a hobby that you really enjoy that will allow you to create something...anything?


“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” - John Muir

The best smell in the entire world is morning bacon cooking on an open fire.

I had a sleep study and that bitch of a nurse would get VERY angry at me when I moved wrong and pulled off a sensor in my sleep...In. My. Sleep.



I have a limited amount of time left on this planet and I'm not going to spend it being a watered-down version of myself just so people like me.


Before you quit your office job just remember, that is where you print everything out.


Speaking of productive hobbies...


There were many comments about having to pour boiling water on it to display the art but it was explained that being parked in the sun was adequate.


I had to look it up. It's those posts that pop up out of the pavement.

And you really don't want to fuck with them.


How the hell did he get in there?


That must be her first child.


Watch carefully...

Tomorrow she will tell her teacher, 

“Dad helped me kick my teeth out”.



From spoons and forks...mostly.


That looks like a lot of fun.


NASA AZURE mission creating artificial auroras to study high altitude winds

If I happen to witness that I would have freaked the fuck out.


They lived. I credit the design of the car.


If my tongue looked like that the last thing I would do is let someone photograph it.


I wonder if he was just showing off or was the move necessary to clear the bar.


I'm thinking that if cops were chasing him they would drive right by.


Paths Ohio State university

That's also the way they let natural foot traffic dictate where the sidewalks should be placed at the University of South Carolina.


For the second time in as many weeks, my Gamecocks wore almost identical uniforms as their opponents. The first time both wore black.


This is how much his life is worth to him. He will risk it all to entertain you for three seconds.


Did you mean for all those words to come out together or did they just fall out randomly?

If men gave birth...


Absolutely batshit that they had one Irish character in Harry Potter and they just went with Seamus Finnegan. Like calling an American character Huckleberry McRib.


He looks like he was poured into those pants and forgot to say when.


That has happened only once to me. Even reaching as far as I could there were two more feet of a mural wall I could not reach from the scaffolding. So I strapped on a 2"x12" and let it extend out three feet. I then tied myself to the scaffolding and stepped out on the little diving board-looking thing 40' off the ground. I was cool until I let go of the scaffolding then my knees did just what that child did. I touched the scaffolding and it stopped. I let go and I shook. Finally, I just shook while I painted. It never happened again.


*For you Europeans, in America we call factories "plants". Don't ask me why.




That reminded me of the funniest thing I have ever seen in my whole life - truly.

My wife and I attended a Lebanese wedding and tradition dictate that the best men will hoist the bride upon their shoulders and dance around the room like this.

But 1) They were in a high ceiling ballroom they were in a low ceiling meeting room, and 2) The American bride was a big girl...really big.

So, they hefted her up with much effort but when they started hopping around her head crashed through the ceiling tiles bringing them down to the floor. Simultaneously, her ass began to creep over their shoulders and down their backs until they were holding nothing but ankles. All the while her hand is desperately holding on to their heads with her fingers dug into their faces.

Might I suggest that you avoid stupid ass party tricks at your wedding?






You can go online and find dozens of people doing something similar. Do you think it's just the panic?





*Verification Requested





And we all turned out just fine, despite the fetal alcohol syndrome and juvenile delinquency.


"Ground" - Get it?









-sound on-



Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Slightly less than an hour difference.
Car 1 time: 2:41:32 or 161.538 mins
Car 2 time: 3:41:03 or 221.053 mins
Difference is 59.515 mins

Anonymous said...

A1:You really believe that oil companies would not develop productive wells if there was a profit to be made? To do what; hurt the biden administration? Your partisanship and ignorance is just stunning.

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