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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 26, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




*Verification Requested

Confirmed: This dickhead (a Colonel) got run over by one of his own tanks.

Unconfirmed: In retaliation for the death of 50% out of 1,500 servicemen of his 37th Russian infantry brigade at #Makariv near #Kyiv, a Russian tanker ran over his brigade commander Col. Yuri Medvedev. He survived but his legs were broken. Source: #Ukraine journo R. Tsimbaliuk.




Satellite imagery from Berdyansk. Two ships were hit: The Alligator class landing craft, and a smaller ship spiraling out of control in the close-up below.


Ukrainian Armed Forces near Kyiv have reportedly captured a new Russian tank T-72.


A downed Russian helicopter.


Ukrainian Ground Forces for anti-sabotage.

Armor without infantry to protect their flanks is very vulnerable as we will see in the films that follow.


Here it is in action...


That is a Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drone. 

Here's is what is it capable of in Ukraine.



Colombian farmer finds 600 million dollars inside his farm Treasure of the late drug dealer "Bablo Scopar" (Pablo Escobar)

A Colombian farmer found $600 million on his farm returning to a famous drug dealer. Media reported that the farmer "Khosia Mariana" found the treasure after receiving a $3,000 grant from the government for his palm farming in his land. And when Joseh started digging, he found this huge amount of topic in blue containers returning to the late drug dealer "Bablo Scopar" who was created by Forbes magazine as the seventh richest man in the world with a wealth of over $30 billion, and the farmer gave the government the amount to spend on projects Economic and Societies.


Imagine creating a scene that millions of people will remember for the rest of their lives.



Keeping children unbored is my specialty.



I think travel is admirable but who took that photo?


My friend, Kent Krell, was a headline writer and I know he would have approved.


With so many miles of unused railroad tracks in America, we ought to find ways to use them.


On our honeymoon, that was the technique my wife preferred for me to do.




A WW2 fighter pilot, shot down twice by the Nazis, designed irrigation at Disney, and flew to age 100!


At first, I was going to criticize him for doing something stupid but then I figured he's not hurting anyone and is probably having fun.


I admire people who can organize huge events like that.


I'm thinking they were shooting a movie and had to mask the ugly building.



I didn't want to cook but my wife told me it was cooKING not cooQUEEN.


*I love the absurd.


It's weird how it's socially acceptable to put someone else's genitals in your mouth but eating a Dorito off the floor after a few seconds is gross. What a double fucking standard.


This is what I found when I Googled Mountain Rat...





It's called Situational Awareness - use it.



Because there's no such thing as too much attention.


^^B 8-9^^

Shoreside Advertising

Apparently, Florida did attempt to ban it, but only managed to pass a law that banned it from happening in a very specific small area, which didn't actually affect where the boats wanted to operate anyway. New York managed a ban but it sounds like it only extends to 1500ft from major waterways and beaches.

*How would you like your view ruined by dozens of those?


This swing recently opened at Longgang National Geopark in China.

Sure looks scary, but not as scary as being an Uyghur in China!




The most implausible bit about superhero movies is that these guys sew their own suits. Seriously, those toxic chemicals did not give you the ability to sew stretch knits.


If you ever feel dumb just know that when my wife was 14 years old she went to a psychiatrist because she "had voices in her head". It was her brain. Like literally just her thoughts. She thought she was the only person who had the ability to think...for 14 years.


Watching his favorite show


I drove my wife to pick up a pizza and took these pics while waiting.

See anything odd?





How could this possibly happen?


I'm thinking the skinny ramp is to help people who are taking their bicycles up the stairs.



The design was stupid anyway.




I misread that twice.




Brave Little Dog Distracts Moose In Attempt To Protect His Human


Some people even allow them into their homes...

^^C 9-11^^

If it hasn't been diagnosed then I'm perfectly fine.


Why do gorillas have such big nostrils? Because they have such big fingers.



I would eat that with a glass of chocolate milk.


This is the way my wife reacts when I show her some of my joineries.

Now go back and look at the size of that hammer!



This is a clip of that hairy snake of about 60 cm that was discovered in a swamp in the province of Sakhon Nakhon, Thailand


I can't wait to show these to my grandson.

Toothpick Trick
^^D 6-7^^


And that illustrates, Gentle Reader, why there aren't many recognizable pieces of a jet that crashes into, say, The Pentagon.




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Go back and watch the spectators.


Ukrainian women in the frontline to defend Ukraine.



Anonymous said...

As much as I like seeing war machines blow up I also realize inside those tanks are two people, now dead.
War is stupid, I have been alive for 66 years and I count on one hand the number of those years the United States has not been involved in some conflict some where in the world.
The people on this planet spend far too much time and money coming up with new and more efficient ways of killing each other.

Anonymous said...

^^A8^^ Lots of old trackways are being converted to foot and bike paths. The problem with keeping the tracks in place is, who's going to maintain them? Who's going to pay for it?

Thorhees21 said...

Lucy wants to lose 12 lbs. Amount of weight loss corresponds to alphabet position of the first letter of the name.


You won't have to worry about the Ukraine for much longer now that the President has told 82nd. Airborne in Poland that they will soon be fighting there. [today's American Thinker]. The President is neither demented nor corrupt, and is well worth your support.

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