About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 19, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Yet another reason to declare them the worst corporation on the planet.


Russia is about to find out why the US doesn't have universal healthcare.

*Friendly reminder that I don't want the military dismantled, I would just like the pork-barrel contractor circlejerk to end.


During WWII both England and Germany thought that bombing cities would beat the public into submission. It had the exact opposite effect as it did in Hanoi.

And now, in 2022, Russia thinks it will finally work. It will not.


I have no idea as to the accuracy of this assessment but it is fun to think about.





Hell, I have 36 pumps before I even pick out a video on PornHub.


*Viewer contribution










My friend, Karl Copeland, used to tell anyone who would listen: "It might not be too long but it's as big around like a tuna can and sensitive as hell."


Pepper Silliness

I'm not real sure I understand that.


Yes, we know Batman is a billionaire who assaults the mentally disturbed at 3am but have you considered how cool he looks doing it?













My ethics professor impregnated his son's girlfriend. I think about that a lot.




If you are not comfortable with your child being gay or trans you should simply not have children.

From a history book about prohibition...

That's the kind of thing that allowing religion into politics will cause...Every. Fucking. Time.


My wife and I experience this problem on a daily basis.


Have we learned nothing? 




She votes. And now - be honest - which party do you think she supports?


Nowadays door number 1 is my home.



School Shooting on Friday, Back to School on Monday, Only in America

It astounds me, but not really, that people just expect students to come back Monday morning like nothing happened. I grew up in that area of Kansas City, so it was extra-heart-breaking to see this tragedy hit so close to home. I really hope that the students who are only struggling with the fears and anxiety of returning to school get the help they need.


Our children are being slaughtered in schools and yet WE. DO. NOTHING.


This is a rather long read but I found it enlightening.



The first rule of OCD Club is to have a second rule so there is an even number of rules like God intended.



Damage is done by hitting a moose at 45 mph...

On Moosebusters.


Said to be a Ukrainian Restaurant in the U.S. Celebrating the Death of Joseph Stalin, 1953



I found this very beautiful.

Look at that jawline.


It's called serendipity and I've experienced it many times.


A door filled with concrete used as a shield against the world's most powerful continuous fusion neutron source, 1979. A special bearing in the hinge allowed one person to open or close the door.


Alpha Male

Horse Sees Mirror For The First Time

I think it trotted around to the other side of the wall to see the horse.


The smallest opera house in Italy, 99 spectators, but with perfect acoustics.


Windmill Shadow


They don't have fireworks.

They have a firework.





Russian Marines?




Anonymous said...

The blue text below ^^A13^ should read "whales", not "wails".

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: C?

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: I guess C, too. What else could it be?
Hey, Towanda!

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