About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

SUNDAY #4834

 One Of My Very Own

*I now wish he had responded to her: "I know."


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




The Faces of War


Today the servicemen of 72 OMBr named after Black Cossacks, Victoria and Sergei met together not so long ago, when the Russian occupier began a full-scale invasion of our state. 

Without a wedding bouquet, high heels, or a white dress, in this difficult time, almost on the front line, two destinies, two hearts united, a new family was created! We wish the newlyweds a happy family life!



The RePutincan Party


After listening to a speech that will go down in history, Mr. Schiff had these thoughts:

 Peter Schiff, dress code nazi and January 6 equivocator 



That is terrifying.








One of my murals was shown on the front page of newspapers all over the world for one simple reason -  it was a slow news day and they needed filler.


I think a simple definition of the difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals embrace change and change scares the shit out of conservatives.





I visit a conservative site and it loves to post that cartoon often.

His party believes the election was stolen, Jews started fires with space lasers, vaccines are evil, masks are useless, Bill Gates wants to inject us with chips, etc, etc, etc.

We had such hopes for the internet, the eradication of ignorance, laying the groundwork for understanding and peace and it has been highjacked by trolls spreading the most insane conspiracy theories that conservatives actually believe.

And remember, if you don't condemn the insanity you are abetting it - which makes you just as guilty.



There are people who don't want to give every child in America healthcare because it might make their taxes go up.


Once we are extinct I hope aliens will visit and see our desolate landscapes filled with JESUS IS COMING signs and assume that he ate us.



Do you remember that an airport was getting complaints about how long the passengers had to wait for their luggage and they solved the problem by moving the luggage collection area farther from the gate? By the time the passengers got there the luggage was waiting  - no more complaints..


And it actually works.

My sculptor friend, Zach, once built a giant crutch out of very long 2x4s.


After 106 years, Ernest Shackelton’s ship Endurance Found in the Antarctic

It was stated that the freezing weather preserved it perfectly.



It's called The Lawsuit Generator.


A parakeet collecting materials to build a nest


While stationed on an Air Force Base in Germany they would play Hello, Dolly on giant speakers when there was a gas attack drill. For an incoming nuclear attack drill, they blasted The William Tell Overture.


I ordered a bomb shelter like the one I used when I was in school.



Would you feel unlucky that it hit your BMW or lucky that it didn't explode?


I love watching things like that. I like the speed that it returns.


That looks like the way I've solved some problems before.


Tower Demolition

Alcohol consumption will make you believe you are whispering. I assure you, you are not.


*Viewer contribution


"There is no God," she said.




His new deal is for four years and a massive $200 million, with $153 million guaranteed.





I knew a guy who said he divorced his wife because she had restless leg syndrome.

I said, "You divorced a woman due to a medical problem?"

He said, "No. Restless Leg as in she ran off to Mobile to live with some guy she met online."



Black Tar

Squirrels always look and act like it's their first day being a squirrel.



Seems like he's really...On Target


There is no warmer joy.


Get a job you enjoy.


"We Are the World" is 37 years old today


Hang Gliding Mishap

Mom's Having a Baby

Ocean Level Rise

Explosive puffed rice machine used by a street vendor. 


My, She's Hot

Tile Master






You ran into what with your what?

- insurance agent probably



How many of his movies can you name?



Democrats are just as greedy for bribes as Republicans; just look at their leader.

Anonymous said...

D7: Your buddies Barack and Michelle Obama just dropped $11.75 million on a house on Martha's Vineyard. The property comes with a boathouse and private beachfront. Is he just dumb, really a climate change denier or simply doesn’t believe in one of your “comforting lies”?

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