About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





Art From the Heart


Sadness Abounds


The supports...

The Abettors



-sound on-


Putin Did This


The Face of Defiance

-sound on-


Have you ever had nonconsensual sex with yourself?



The Kyiv family carried their dog in their arms 17 kilometers to the border. Shepherd is 12.5 years old, the husband carried his beloved on his shoulders because the old animal could not walk for a long time.

I love dogs as much as anybody but there ain't a chance in hell I would carry a very old dog out of a war zone while I was trying to save my family.


If my calculations are correct, Russians will soon be doing that with pitchers of Putin.


Most aurora videos are sped up for dramatic effect, I prefer the real-time ones.

I have never seen it.

Not even in Alaska because I went when it was daylight 23 hours a day.




Wait for it...


Fuck video games. I would interrupt the Super Bowl if my wife was in the mood.


I've done that...but not from a police car.

Did you know that fuel for farm equipment is cheaper than normal fuel and you are forbidden to use it in your car? So they dye it so a simple dip test will nail you...or they used to.


Superstitious Dog

Animals are awful at distinguishing correlation from causation. It's my bet that the dog once jumped in the air and was fed immediately and it thought the jumping caused it. It's called 'Superstitious Behavior' (I think) and many animals do it.


I feel a little smug that I know who that is.



I don't think that's a malfunction. I think the occupants are making it do that.


Dog Camera

That was cool as shit. I like his eyes darting to where he was going.


Driveby Shooting Camo

Pet Parrot

Makeup Lady

Every time a woman shaves her legs and doesn't get laid a unicorn dies.






I've often said that Walmart needed an observation deck.


I haven't a clue.




Language Skit

Iguana in the Pool


I suggest we rebrand mansplaining as 'correctile dysfunction'.



Let's start this section by you teaching me what these first two mean.

I even lightened it up but still can't decipher.

And mystery #2...

^^C 1-2^^

Advertising at its finest...


I'm afraid many of us have fallen into the same black hole.


But for you Gentle Readers who have held on to their sanity, I say...


This guy's first hunt of 2022 and he found his third and oldest silver dime.

I have sacks full of these.

I bought them for considerably less than $1.


A helpful viewer informed me that these TVs must never be transported laying down.


Stupid bastards equating smoking weed to wife-beating.



There's a lot of that going around.

"Why should you care?" I'm asked. Well, here's one reason.


But for me, here's the real rub...

They arrogantly ignore the advice of health professionals then when they get sick they demand the best of care from those very same health professionals.


Several of my commenters have voiced this opinion.

I sort of understanding it, but if we don't organize to solve problems then we are lost.



Ukrainian Bomb Disposal

“This Russia-dropped bomb would flatten a building — and yet these Ukraine EODs defuse it with 2 hands and a bottle of water, while shells audibly land nearby.”


Concrete Vibrator

The Chinese use larger devices similar to that to dry off those islands they have built in the middle of the ocean made out of pumped sand from the bottom.


First Attempt

In America, our veterans must rely on charities to receive the care they require. That sickens me.


Horse Kitchen

Go back and look at the design of that strange house. Then in the kitchen, the counter only comes up to her mid-thigh.




Watermelon Prep

No knife? No problem.




That's what you believe when critical thinking is discouraged.


No, he can not.


If I had them I would do that constantly.



Anonymous said...

A8: The dog knew that's where the frisbee was kept. She even showed it to the dog.

Anonymous said...

BY: think, The Rolling Stones

ponder said...

I haven't a clue.

The Rolling Stones got stoned in a field.

In America, our veterans must rely on charities to receive the care they require. That sickens me.

Yet people keep signing up to go die in foreign lands that never posed any risk to the US. Whose interests are they serving?

Larry said...

B6 Mick Jagger and Kieth Richards of The Rolling Stones.....

Anonymous said...

I have never understand the need for VA Hospitals. Anyone honorably discharged from the military. Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, National Guard, should be given a card that they present at any medical facility in the country and get free medical care for their entire life.

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