About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, March 21, 2022

MONDAY #4835

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




*Verification Requested

*Verification Requested

Time Magazine

My favorite "I have nothing better to do with my time" activity is eating hotdogs at Costco.


See anything odd?


It looks like he's standing on a brick.



I've done that! Well, I never wore a parka but I have dropped the top and cranked up the heater full blast.


I've done that also. I had to take a long train ride to visit my Italian consul's daughter in Germany and I scheduled it so that I got home only an hour or so before I had to go to work in the Nuke Shop.


*I will never understand how parents aren't outraged that college costs their children so much money.





When I was in middle school the teacher asked the smartest kid to come to the board and solve a math problem. He mumbled something about him rather than not doing that. After several ever louder exchanges, he finally stood up revealing a raging very evident boner. The female teacher was aghast and screamed that he get out of the class immediately and as he slunk out the door she screamed, "You ought to be ashamed of yourself."

All of that when the kid had no control over the offending member.


Wait until the very end...



This photo of a yoga class warmup looks like the aftermath of a mass cult suicide.


I do not entirely excuse his actions but he was shot at first.



Give that man a raise!


Guessing Passwords

Autopilot cars need a feature that when someone breaks into your car it takes them to the nearest police station.



I have a houseful of bills that were similarly collected and displayed by a bar owner. Although the ones above don't seem to be decorated whereas mine are all heavily decorated.


I did a Google image search to find out about that and the only thing that came up was instructions for photoshop. So, is it real? I have no idea.



Every castle I have visited I study the stairs knowing that every other visitor had used them. I like to make up stories about the guests.


How very strange. Does anybody know where that is?


I heard somewhere that people living in very high buildings are forced to live with the sway. Do any of you know if this is true?



Try to imagine the air quality.


And most of those folks can't imagine living anywhere else.



In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I've been giving the bird to as many people as possible.




Years before the present conflict, I used to correspond with a graffiti artist in Ukraine. I sure would like to hear from him again.


How very wonderful.



That reminds me of me "I Said Left, Harold" which was featured in newspapers all over the world because it was a slow news day.


How clever.


Remember the bald eagles that have been turned into garbage scavengers? Now, this.


I think that sign would get more attention than if it had been written normally.



Comparing draft horse vs “normal” horse


Is it just me or does the bottom grid seem to warp when you move your eye around the image?



See anything odd?

This map of Reykjavík airport looks like a guy with his hand down a garbage can.


Only serious applicants need to apply.


My brother used to make those. They came in a kit of balsa wood pieces. I was too young at the time.


Crowing Dog

-sound on-








Same woman...



ponder said...

I did a Google image search to find out about that and the only thing that came up was instructions for photoshop. So, is it real? I have no idea.

Real, it's a stage.

A giant mechanical clown constructed beside Lake Constance will form the stage for a production of Rigoletto at the Bregenz Festival in Austria next month

I heard somewhere that people living in very high buildings are forced to live with the sway. Do any of you know if this is true?

On windy days tall buildings will sway, the further up you go the worse it gets. Never lived in a tall building but have experienced the sway.

Dr. WeTodd said...


Alex said...

Try to imagine the air quality
What air?

Anonymous said...

^^B6^^ I worked on the 33rd floor of a building in Boston years (like 40) ago, and yes, it swayed in high winds. Once, I looked out my window and saw flames on the roof of my building reflected in the windows of the building across the way. I told everybody in my group and we got down the elevator before it was turned off. The HVAC unit on our roof had caught fire.

Anonymous said...

Real. Here it is in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gutz42b3oBg

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B2 Anon,
Thank you very much for that. The aria is one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

And a 100% of democrats ignore all the corruption between the Bidens and Ukraine.

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