One Of My Very Own
But they covered the shit out of this...
If everyone is innocent then why did so many people seek pardons?
---Can ANYTHING convince the diehard Trump worshipers that the election was not stolen?
Probably not.
And to demonstrate the point, they FILMED THEMSELVES COMMITTING FELONS!!!
I remember my daughter's first sex education lesson at school. She came home, looked at my wife and me, and said "You two are disgusting."
*That was sort of how I met my wife only my fly was unzipped.
If I were a 400-year-old immortal vampire I would not enroll in a local high school.
*That's true, you know. I've done studies.
*I didn't blow the cropping - it came that way.
That sounds like a confession.
The homoerotism against the prime minister is weird.
*That's very true you know.
Most people couldn't even define what it means to be "woke".
Sometimes fear does not subside and you must do it afraid.
"You're too sensitive." = "You won't let me disrespect you."
Everyone has had mishaps in the kitchen.
I saw this next image and it immediately reminded me of my father's attempt to make a fancy 12-egg omelet one Sunday morning while everyone else was at church when I was 15 years old.
I asked my father if I could watch him cook and he said I could be I could not speak - not one word - because he had to concentrate. I agreed to his terms.
The recipe stated that he first had to separate a dozen eggs. I watched as he cracked an egg, poured it from one half of the shell to the other half of the shell over and over and over again then plopped the yolk right down in the bowl with the egg whites. I tapped him on the shoulder to inform him of his error and he turned on me like a mad dog - "DON'T BOTHER ME OR GET THE HELL OUT!" I took a step back and watched as he meticulously separated all 12 eggs and then recombined them in the bowl.
The kicker is that when he eventually realized his stupidity he sent ME to the store to buy another dozen eggs.
Gem of a guy, my father.
See anything...odd?
What the hell is this?
I think somebody should have Photoshopped in a Tom & Jerry cartoon on the screen.
I've always thought that funny.
Let me have a crack at this one:
1. He's taking advantage of the water to wash his floor.
2. He is attempting to keep the waterborne debris out of his store.
That would really upset Mama Bear.
How did he survive that?
It's almost enough to convince me that there is a God.
Fox News Blooper
-sound on-
People with good singing voices should not be allowed to do karaoke. We came for the laughs, not quality.
It is crazy that they only figured out tech tonic plates in the 60s. A child in the 50s would say "it seems like South America and Africa would fit together" and his mother would say "that's cute, honey, now finish your cigarette?"
An old church built in 1655, here's a wonderful view of the interior: SOURCE
How come I never knew that?
Form follows function with a twist.
Would that really work?
Boston has dozens of these scattered around and in my opinion, makes the city much more livable.
It looks like a Heart of Stone.
Wim Delvoye’s stained glass windows using X-ray images
Multi-stage quick return mechanism (slomo at the end)
Thumb Extension

There's a lesbian sex joke in there someplace.
You may have to enlarge this.
Would that really work?
Who said it's a flaw, looks like a design feature to me...
Use your imagination here.
If everyone is innocent then why did so many people seek pardons?
Well that's a sympton of the US Criminal "Justice" system. Threaten to hit a suspect with everything if they don't plead guilty.
I think this should be "I profess to care about other people, but the things I advocate for makes things worse. Man does that make other people mad"
c.f. thinking socialism helps the poor or the state helps any problem.
Donald Trump : “We won the evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated.”
Or I don't think the state should be robbing Peter to pay Paul especially when the politicians are so corrupt that Paul lobbies them to pay him more. Fiscaslly conservative is saying the state should leave more money with the people who earn it, rather than taxing it from them, taking a huge cut, and then using it to make problems worse.
Tectonic plates took so long to be accepted because the recognised experts poohpoohed Wegener's theory for so long. The same experts you were telling us we should listem to ?
in reference to
Please cite the documents and materials you drew your conclusions from.
Dear Gunker,
Yeah, I know what you mean. I think about how the state makes problems worse every time I drive on interstate highways, fly out of a modern airport on planes kept safe by the FAA, spend time with my grandson now that it's illegal for him to work at age 7, cash my social security check, see a doctor thanks to Medicare, look at pictures from Mars, teach unhungry children due to the free lunch program, call my daughter who got her Ph.D. due to scholarships, feel safe due to the strongest military the world has ever seen, fish in a river no longer polluted due to the EPA, warned of an incoming hurricane, watch my black friends vote, attend the marriage of my gay neighbors, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
<> I thought about watching the Jan 6 kabuki but opted to watch the cat lick his ass instead. It just seemed more real.
A12: Exactly what the left is doing with Trump. TDS = Trump Derangement Syndrome. I don’t even like the guy.
B7: 3. A woke one practicing virtue signaling.
C10: A practical guide to virtue signaling
Dear Cat Lover Anon, So, you are not even curious as to who and how this thing was planned or, more probably, you are scared shitless over the testimony that will prove your guy Trump should go to jail.
Deny it all you want but your refusal to even listen to the evidence speaks volumes.
Dear A12 Anon, So, am I to assume that you believe that Trump had nothing to do with January 6? I would love to hear your reasoning on that.
Dear Unwoke Anons, So, conservatives go apeshit crazy because someone is signaling what their virtues are?
in the old gaming community at LANs some real try hards would have a pen mark where their rifle crosshair would be
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