About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

SUNDAY #4918

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




American Heros

This from Washington, DC

There are STILL morons who believe the election was stolen - without one shred of evidence - on the word of a proven liar. That is the definition of sheeple.





That reminds me of the preacher who asked his corrugation to stand if they believed in ghosts and almost the whole auditorium stood. He then asked if any of them had actually seen a ghost and most sat down. Then he asked how many had spoken to a ghost and only 8 remained standing. Then he asked how many had sex with a ghost and only one man remained standing. So, the preacher asked this man to join him on the stage and said, "So you've actually had sex with a ghost?" And the man said, "Ghost? I thought you said the goat."



It's hard not to become a hardcore pessimist.


It's because they aren't worth being replaced. No decent society needs a pathetic gang of racists. As for "culture"? Hating people who look different isn't a culture, it's just pathetic reactionism.




I chose Big Diddy because I look, act, 

and smell like a Big Diddy.



Being happily married it's like having a sleepover with your best friend every night for the rest of your life. And I mean that.


Remember: You don't always have to buy everyone Jager bombs.




Only if you built it yourself do you make this face when it works.


To repeat -  I regret never learning to weld.



I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.


Badminton Made Easy


Finger Stand


Grinding Stone Manipulation


Steal, No Steal


Tile Repair

I would not have used any white tile with the white grout.



I think the cars should have a safety device so that if you don't use your turn signal the car won't turn.




I wish I was a little kid so I could take a nap and everyone would just be proud of me.



I had to look at this repeatedly...


At first, I thought it was an accident.


Reminded me of this...



Could somebody please explain that to me...not the mural but the signs?


All because a bunch of people went to college.


SLANIC SALT MINE (Salina Unirea), Slănic, Prahova, Romania 

Slănic mine is an old salt mine, located in Slănic, Prahova County, Romania, just 100 km north of Bucharest, situated between the valley of Prahova and that of Teleajen, at about 44 km of Ploiesti, at 400 meters of altitude.



He needs an Academy Award for that performance.


I made another thing.




I may not know the secret to happiness but I've never been sad naked in bed with a woman... terrified yes, sad no.


The next time you feel totally insignificant look up at the stars and remember…You are. You totally are.



What must that do to their ears?


Lithuanian M14 rifles in Ukraine

This is an M14 in Lithuania. Notice the exact same stock set, parts finish, selector limiter button, and scope on the guns in Ukraine. Lithuania got thousands of M14s in 1999 and has used them in war zones like Afghanistan. They were upgraded as recently as 2021. Now they are in the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces.

You dance with the girl you brought.


Putin’s Mariupol Massacre is one of the 21st century’s worst war crimes.

Mariupol Mayor Vadim Boychenko estimated more than 20,000 civilians had been killed and noted that this was twice the number of deaths recorded in the entire two-year Nazi occupation of the city during WWII.


US Troops in Ukraine


Caught under incendiary ordnance or as it is more commonly called - A War Crime.

*Verification Requested


What I do is seek shelter immediately. What I don't do is hang around filming it.


This reminds me of the MAGA crowd...

"The election was stolen."

"Yes, master."


Luckier than a two-dicked dog.


Cooking Skills



The stages of castle development



"Whatcha doin'?"

"Just watchin' the world burn."






ponder said...


Will never understand the obsession over what others do with their genitals and who they chose to associate with...

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: the letter "R".

Anonymous said...

More woke than you think. No apeshit here; just a grin and nod. I don’t think you have a complete picture of what is most often meant by the term “virtue signaling”. It is often used to describe someone trying to win praise for showing support for a social cause without actually doing anything meaningful to advance it. This charge is often used against people for being self-righteously " woke " on social media. BTW: You do know there is a red pilled “woke” also.?.?

Robin said...

C5 - Unless going in either direction takes you to an exit that is pretty much the same distance away, those signs should not be displayed like that. In a fire there is no time for confusion as to which is the fastest way to exit the building. If there are two equidistant exits, I personally would have made sure the signs were equally prominent. That is shoddy, and could cost lives.

Anonymous said...

A6: You need to go to the south side Chicago and put up a “gun free zone” sign and then engage in some “content of their character” conversations with the locals. I’d like to see your “situational awareness” kick in. You would probably notice there is a lot of “racism” on both sides. I recall you even agreed that cross-word puzzles were racist.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Puzzle Time Anon, But why is it R?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A6 Anon, What's your fucking point...that white supremacists are okay?

Anonymous said...

<> Turn signal interlock: I knew one day it would happen……I couldn’t agree more.

ponder said...

Ralph your comment section of late would lead one to despair, are there really that many idiots in society?


Carl Sagan is my hero (grew up watching Cosmos as a small child) and I reckon his predictions arrived prematurely, I would love to see his reaction if he was still around. How did y'all (generalisation) get so stupid and more importantly lose your empathy for others. Without empathy you're nothing and it's a trait strongly present in the nazi & communists regimes.

Anonymous said...

C6: All because a bunch of people went to college……and selected worthwhile degrees so that gas wouldn’t be $6.00 per gallon and they could pay back their own student loans. Isn’t life great when done with the mind in gear?

Anonymous said...

Think of a five speed manual transmission. I'm looking at mine right now. And that's exactly what the gear pattern is.

Anonymous said...

so much virtue, so little timehttps://arizonadailyindependent.com/2022/05/15/tucson-high-counselor-behind-schools-first-ever-drag-show-arrested-for-sexual-abuse/

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Interlock Anon, I'm sorry but I have no idea what you are talking about. Give me more hints please.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C8 Anon, So it's all about the money. Do you not see any value in the arts and culture?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Virtuous Anon,
And I condemn her in the harshest terms. But when a priest or preacher does the same thing you don't condemn religion. Or do you?

Anonymous said...

I did say TURN SIGNAL interlock. Let’s do this “I think the cars should have a safety device so that if you don't use your turn signal the car won't turn.” Recognize it? Us avid followers may like to comment on the many posts that are not IDed with number to use as a reference for your inevitable retort. Are you trying to discourage comments about unnumbered posts? Sad that, but it would be nice to know.

Anonymous said...

Arts and culture (as of today it’s degenerating daily) are great. At one time I shared a house with Gary Larson well before he got syndicated and dabbled in everything you can imagine (water colors, acrylics, pen & ink, etc). He was interesting guy and had a dark side well before his far side. And yes, I appreciated him and his art. He even got me started on pen & ink & crosshatch. But……..I wasn’t forced to pay for his time at the Art Institute of Chicago. I prefer to wait until I can bid for my art at Christie’s. Oh wait, I don’t have too. I have a few of his originals pre-Far Side.

Anonymous said...

Oh no…religion has been a major cause of death and suffering since time began. Lie….they are the pros. I thought Trump was the worst liar until Biden showed up. We deserve better….well, at least I do. I remember the days when you closed ever post with a nice thought provoking meme on religion. If your hard drive ever crashes…..not to worry; I have them all.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Turn Signal Anon, Sorry old buddy but "Turn Signal interlock" meant nothing to me. You second post made it very clear. Thank you.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Biden Liar Anon, Please send me examples of Biden lies. I don't mean policy differences but falsehoods. I would like to compare his to Trump's. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: I think the empty square should be R to stand for Reverse. The previous anonymous poster pointed out the similarity to his car's gearbox shifting pattern. Five forward gears and Reverse.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: here's a picture



ponder said...

Dear Biden Liar Anon, Please send me examples of Biden lies. I don't mean policy differences but falsehoods. I would like to compare his to Trump's. Thank you.

They all lie, some more than others. Never trust a politician.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Ponder, Thank you, I appreciate that very much.

Anonymous said...

Biden’s political career is marred by plagiarism, dubious claims of being arrested during the Civil Rights Movement, dubbing himself a full-fledged college professor despite never teaching a college course.
"Three Pinocchios" for his assertion that Republicans want to raise taxes.
Biden gets 4 Pinocchio’s for claiming Georgia cut early voting hours.
I don’t have time to locate, organize and list them all but here are a few https://www.factcheck.org/person/joe-biden/
I did say that Trump was I prolific liar as well. That's what politicians do. Someday I hope to have a chance to vote for the better of two good candidates instead of always the lesser of two evils. What maybe of concern is that you haven’t noticed his lying.
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